This bulk of this FAQ is copyright (c) 1994-1998 by jester (Tobias Reckhard)<>,all rights reserved. All respect to jester - without whom eh?... Most new additions, link changes and additional text copyright 1998-1999 Steve Gilmore Other sections are copyright by the respective authors as noted. This FAQ may be posted to any Usenet newsgroup, on-line service or BBS as long as it is posted in its entirety, includes this copyright statement and is the most recent version (reasonable effort to obtain this is required). This FAQ may not be distributed for financial gain. It may not be included in commercial collections or compilations without express permission from the maintainer. Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is believed to be correct at the time of updating, but the originators will not be held responsible for any negative effects of its contents.
This is the official FAQ for the UseNet Newsgroup alt.binaries.sounds.mods. Should the date on this document be over a month old, you might want to check for a current version. Last updated version issued April 1998. Please contact the maintainer at to add or correct information in this FAQ. Availability:
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