. _| : _____ ______________ |___| _ _______/ 5 /\___________________________ / ____________/ /\__\ _ _______/____/_____________________________ / / _________ \/__/ ______\ 5 \_____________________________ / / / `_ . .~ \____\/ _ __ ___ / / / _____ . _ \ __ ___ _/__/\ / / / / /\ _ __ __\__\/ _/__/ / ____/ /__\_________________________________ _____ ___ _ / 5 /\/ /___ __________ _ ______ _ ___ \/ /\ / 5 / /____/5 \ \ / /\ / __/\ / /\ \ \ / \ /____/ / / \ / \/ /_ \___/___/ \ \_/___/ / \_/ / / \ ___\ / /_/ /______/\/ \ /______/\/ \ /_____/ // \ \ / / / \ / / \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \ //____/\____\/ / / / / / \______\/ \______\/ \_____\/ \ \ \ \ / / / / \____\/\____\ / / / / _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ / / / /__/ w /\___/ /\___/ e /\___/ /\__ / l /\___/ /\____/ / / __/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/________/ / __\ \____\ e \____\ \____\ k \ ___\ \____\ y \__________/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/WW ps: woa, a rendered askee! - TraxWeekly Issue #5 - 04/13/95 Release --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ Introduction ]---------------------------------------------------------- Well, already 5 issue done! I'm very proud of the progress this newsletter has done since #1. It's NAID TIME! Yes, in two days NAID will begin! I will be there to meet some of you (if you all come of course, I only have 4 seats in my car!). I'll probably write an article also on what happened and who got really sick from drinking the St-Laurence bacteria infested glowing water (I'm kidding of course, drink if you're thursty.). I'll also meet "mon vis-a-vis" (french expression meaning competitor), Snowman. Even though we're not in competition. BTW, I'll need a guy to review the music that came out of NAID. Of course someone that didn't compete. Also, I would like to point out the contribution of Popcorn for TraxWeekly which have been invaluble to me. He has posted the mag on different usenet newsgroups, and compiled board distro lists. He had to do all the selection. He's a great help to me and he's a good worker. I'll mention Psibelius also, who has supported the mag by writing some articles and promptly giving me every week his Epinicion Column ;). The others have shown lack of support or I can't reach them at all (Neurosis, Epeius and Zer0). This issue is dedicated on the phenomena that I call "mod-fame", people being popular by writing mods. Look at Purple Motion. Imagine the traffic he would cause in #trax. I asked Necros to explain what a famous PC musician goes through being an idol to some and a normal guy in his everyday "out-of-the-computer-scene" live. TraxWeekly will have shortly a WWW page for all you webbers. The page will be created by Dragunov and will have two sites (one in Finland and in the other in the USA). It will be available shortly and will have some very interesting features to help the music scene grow faster. Stay tuned. TraxWeekly has an internet address to contact Popcorn or myself. It is: t-weekly@direktor.voima.jkl.fi .. Subscriptions are available now, and can be done in this matter: If you want to subscribe to TraxWeekly mail to: listserver@oliver.sun.ac.za And put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [your real name] If you want to unsubscribe to the list mail to the same address and write: unsubscribe trax-weekly TraxWeekly is also available on ftp.cdrom.com/demos/incoming/ or /demos/diskmags/tw/ Enough talk, let's transport ourselves to the wonderful world of #trax. Well, maybe the okay world of #trax ;). - Populus populus@llc.org --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ Contents ]-------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What it's like to be a PC Musician - Necros 2. The Impossibility of Group Management - Psibelius 3. Bass: A Perspective - Psibelius 4. Interviews (TheHacker) 5. Trax-Culture - Floodmyth moves to Djibouti 6. Epinicion Column 7. Kosmic Column 8. PURE Column 9. Advertisements 10. Distribution Sites --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ 1. What it's like to be a PC Musician ]--------------------------------- (or, the Secret Life of a Ring-Tailed Lemur) by Necros/FM Populus asked me to write a bit about what it's like to be a 'famous' musician. The reason he asked this, I believe, is because for some strange reason people seem to think that the random warbling that I put into a tracker has some sort of intrinsic value. I can't help that, at least, my view is that instead of listening to MODs all day, we should stick our noses in cheese, and ponder something more meaningful, like maybe the social structure of mold spore colonies. But I digress. Let me give you sampling of the e-mail i've got in the last month or so, broken down into category. - 500+ from various inane mailing lists - 20-30 from people who write 'Nice stuff, keep it up' - another 20-30 from people who write 'N stuff, where can i find more?' - at LEAST from 50 people who say stuff like: "Hi there, I'm a big fan of that 4 track CRAP.MOD that you wrote back in 1972, is that your newest release? And do you call any boards near me? Can you upload me some of your musics?" - 5-10 of "When will dissonance #2 be out?" - 5-10 more of "When will a new Signals be out" (that mag has been dead for a year and a half now..) and finally, at least 10-20 from *@aol.com asking where to find stuff that i released five hundred years ago. Now I don't mind this at all usually, it's fun to have people know you and write you out of the blue... however I do get a bit sick of replying to each and every one (especially when they are so repetitive). So, I guess, if that's what u define 'fame' as, it's not a terribly horrendous thing. I hope this doesn't sound too egotistical.. if you have any doubt about how much I suck, go listen to 15.S3M (hehe). For contrast, however, here is what my entire tracked music career has brought me: The Plus Side: - $400.00 in cash from game profits - free 210 meg HD from GodHead (thanks a bunch) - a trip to Canada to visit Krystall and all the other fine demo scene people in Quebec - three reports (unconfirmed) of people doing sexual accts while my tunes are playing (why can't _I_ be the one who is having the fun? :>) - the undying affection of my cat, who has heard every single version of HyperControl, hundreds of times over (he is now in the Feline Institute for Mental Disabilites, brought on by traumatic expoosure t 200+ decibel siner synths) - and, of course, the wonderful fun of hanging out on music confs and spending hours upon hours making stupid noises when i should be studying :> The Minus Side: - over 1,623 hours spent staring into a monitor, trying desperately to bring life to the same tired old samples which i've used for months and months now - one girlfriend lost (but she didn't appreciate much of anything anyways) - 25% loss in my hearing (FEAR how loud an SB amplifier can be) - and the endless strain of watching idiots on MTV playing power chords, while i sit and think about both how much they suck, and how neat it would be to sample them... The point of all this rambling is to say, if you are going to track anything at all, or do any sort of generalized creative effort, do it FOR YOURSELF! Performing any of this sado-masochism which is otherwise known as tracking makes no sense if it doesn't make you happy. Sometimes, when i get a good riff going, the supreme ecstasy of knowing "Hey, I just took some half-baked arcane garbage from my head and turned it into harmonic bliss!" helps you to get through the rough times. In the end, the only thing that matter is if it's helped your life in some way. Personally, I still don't think i'm good enuff to do anything but track PC music, sofeel fine with sitting on my duff all day plinking out sample sequences; but perhaps someday i'll get out of all of this, start making CD's of REAL music (hehe but what is real music?), make a disgusting amount of money, piss off all of my friends, be famous for a week, and fade into obscurity, leaving behind nothing but a trail of broken dreams, and maybe a bit of drool from the wild parties I was throwing every night. Hmm, then again, maybe i should do another chip tune. stay fresh, Andy aka. Necros / FM asega@ic.sunysb.edu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ 2. The Impossibility of Group Management ]------------------------------ article by psibelius [acid.epinicion.lotsagroups] Running a group seems pretty tough nowadays, doesn't it? Not only do you have to deal with the pressures of taking time out of your normal existence to coordinate the efforts of a team, you also have to take the browbeating insults of those around you that may not share your enthusiasm. But I'm not here to focus on the entirely negative side of things. I'm here to say why it can be done, why it works, and why you can make anything possible, as long as you dedicate yourself to it. In short, another one of my motivational essays. =) The first challenge is the birth of the group. How are your critics going to recieve it? Are you willing to continue no matter what anyone says? Or will any sort of major negative response cause you to drop your goals and move on? Here is where you decide whether to go for it or not. Once you've begun on your quest to harness a quality group, be prepared to be blasted. I can't guarantee success but I'll guarantee this: hang around the wrong crowd and you'll be consumed in one hell of a group war. =) I made the mistake of arguing with local critics, and got my own group off to a rough start. Don't make that same mistake. Keep quiet. Even then, it may not work. Experience says that your group will be flamed. Don't prove those people right by killing your group. Have enough respect for your abilities and your group members to continue. As a group leader, you've got to make a few commitments. People won't just look up to you or listen to you just because you have some flashy tag by your handle. Possessing some maturity and personality makes people listen. When your group members complain about something, do your best to solve the problem. When a group members needs something, do your best to get it to them. When people ask questions, GIVE THEM ANSWERS. A lot of problems arise from lack of communication, resulting in group splits and bruised feelings. As a group leader, you have the potential to make a difference. So why not do it then? On the subject of 'potential.' Everyone has it, whether they be some classless newbie, or a highly experienced group member of many years. Everyone has the potential to become better as time passes. And this is a fact ignored, to the detriment of many group leaders. Don't shun a person because he doesn't have the skills and technique of those above him. How is he going to get any better if no one accepts him and helps him improve? For example, let's say Iceberg runs a group called Titanic. He refuses to accept a certain Billy Bob Jones because Billy Bob Jones sucks. Time passes, and Billy Bob Jones improves dramatically. Then one day, Billy Bob Jones is accepted into Fewchure Kroo, which Iceberg knows is some totally k-rad elite awesome group. And Billy Bob Jones, remembering the insults, comees back and sinks Iceberg's little group to the bottom of the Atlantic. Now, where do the benefits of this arise from??? =) (btw, this situation is purely hypothetical. These groups and names do not exist =). This is a part of my philosophy now, though I'll admit I did not follow this for quite some time. I've made a lot of mistakes in the last year of my group running, and I hope some of you can glean some successes from the knowledge of my failures. Last, I'd like to point out that this not only relates to our "scene" but to our real existences as well. We will never go anywhere if we don't assert ourselves. Here in the scene, you can't really get "hurt" in a truly damaging sense. It's a different story outside. If you stand around and don't make a conscious effort to spend some effort, be prepared to be taken out. I quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: "If you do not try to do beyond what you have already mastered, then you will never grow." -psibelius gwie@coyote.csusm.edu p.s. follow the philosophy. read the epinicion column. =) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ 3. Bass: A Perspective ]------------------------------------------------- [no k-rad ascii yet! =) we're working on it...] Many of you may have never heard of the name Bass. This group was founded last year between MusicMan (Sirrus) and Nero, and has remained a small group ever since. It has gained and lost a few members, and it has hovered around a solid four or five for 1995. This is an appeal to all musicians out there. Join Bass! We are a small group with a few talented musicians, but we are unable to compete in volume with the many larger groups. Our work has not been spread very far, but its quality is excellent. The works of MusicMan, Nero, Neurosis, and Simul are held in distinct regard by many. Bass seeks musicians who are talented and want to achieve more. Bass is not a group to learn skills. It is a group to augment them further. I joined Bass myself to handle the job of coordinating the group, thus allowing MusicMan to do what he wanted to do in the first place: compose, instead of playing politics. Bass has existed for over the past year, even with it's rather small following. I urge those of you striving to make a name for yourself with your developing skills to join Bass today. Contact MusicMan (mm@clark.net) for joining information (since he makes all final decisions), and contact me if you have any general questions not pertaining to joining the group (i.e., distribution, publicity, etc). Psibelius, Bass Coordinator gwie@coyote.csusm.edu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ 4. Interviews ]--------------------------------------------------------- . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ ___.___________ ________ . _______ / \ _______ :___| ___\__.___ _ /________\_____ | _. _\______/_ \ /______ __\ . / \ / ____/ __ ____/ |__:___. _ _ _____/ \ /_______ . | . / \/ _/ \ | /. |/ __/ (- -) /__ \WW : | ./ \ \ . \ : / . | \ oO / \ | | \ ._________\ \ : \ . / . | O \ / |___|____\ /. /__________\ |______\ /___._|_______/_/\__/________\/ \/ . /______| \ / . . \/ . =============.=================================.======================== . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . -[ Interview with TheHacker ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I've been with TraxWeekly since the first issue, but this will be the first (and definatly not the last) something involving me appears in an issue. This interview was first bought up a few weeks ago when I got a /msg from TheHacker on IRC expressing interest in being interviewed for TraxWeekly. And I really didn't know who he was! Then I saw 11 new releases from Kosmic and thought "TheHacker... where have I seen that name before? This stuff is great!" so I am pleased to present... TheHacker / Kosmic. Popcorn - First let's start with your real name, age, group affils, occupation etc. TheHacker - OK... Krisjanis Gale (it's Latvian, so don't ask) / 18 / KFMF & fy00zhen (my own group that hasn't done anything really big yet) / student ;) Popcorn - when I first saw you in IRC, you looked like someone who had just come from #warez or something =) How did you get your handle? TheHacker - Well... it all started years ago, when my friend started to notice my computer-related hobbies... so they would tease me and call me "hack" or "you hacker", etc. So, the next logical step seemed to be to change it to THEHacker ;) TheHacker - But I don't hack systems... just muzik and code. Popcorn - Very interesting :) so what first got you interested in the PC music scene? TheHacker - Well, as of August '93 I didn't even KNOW there was a "PC music scene" - I bought my GUS, and started ripping Amiga samples and sequencing them in MODEDIT v.2.0 Popcorn - Good choice in getting the Ultrasound, in my opinion it's the soundcard to have if you are involved in the PC demo / music scene. At least for the moment. TheHacker - So after a while, I started looking for some better muzik sites, and found some KLF stuph on the Sound Barrier (NY) ; I found Maelcum's e-mail address, wrote to him, sent him some muzik (UUENCODed), and next thing I knew I was in KLF. Popcorn - Do you have any experience with music outside of the computer music scene? TheHacker - Much... played saxophone and clarinet both for 1 year... then my best friend (who is not "connected") Jai and I started composing cheesy tunes with keyboards for about 2 years. Now he and I play in a "real" band named Psyko-Reactiv... I play bass. Popcorn - What kind or system do you use to compose music? TheHacker - A cruddy 386-25 clone running MultiTracker. Popcorn - How do you go about composing a tune? TheHacker - Hmm... that's a tuff 1... well, 1st I seek out sum k-rad samples... then open 'em up in MMEDIT and see where the first sample set takes me, changing the samples as needed to fit where the song seems to be going. It's a really spontaneous thing. Popcorn - What are your musical influences? Whose music do you admire/emulate? TheHacker - I listen to LOTS of different kinda of muzik... from MegaDeth to Tchaikovsky... I've been listening to lots of ambient l8ly tho (Aphex Twin, Orbital, and also stuph by Maelcum, Basehead, AndrewM of KFMF) Popcorn - What are your favorite styles of music? Mention non-computer bands if approite TheHacker - Hmm... I'll listen to anything really. But mostly I like rave (the non-cheesy variety), industrial (from meganoize - Skinny Puppy, to less noizey - Front 242), and also alternative (if that's even a muzikal style ;) Popcorn - What's your opinion of the demo scene and music scene? What do you think of all the music released everywhere in general? TheHacker - Well... having not been exposed to much muzik outside of KFMF releases, I can't fairly answer that question. But for the most part, it seems to be alive and well. It's really kewl how the Internet is being used recently for such kewl ventures. Popcorn - The first such example of people really coming together over the Internet that live far apart is FM, what is your opinion of this group? TheHacker - Haven't heard anything from FM yet... but I have heard individual work from Basehead, and Necros. Judging by these two members alone, I can safely predict that FM's music should be really diverse... I can't wait until they "blow up" on the scene. Popcorn - Indeed =) What's your best song ever? TheHacker - My best song... my best song... well, my fans ;) insist that it's "1 Mig Down"... I like that one, but my favorite is always the tune I'm working on at the moment. Popcorn - I haven't personally heard that song, I first got interested in your music when I heard your recent Ambient tracks. Perhaps for people like me you can point to some tunes you think people should get to show a good example of what you do. TheHacker - okay... here's a fairly diverse selection: MIND)KLF = the MindCore ['94] / ALRM_KLF = Alarm [chip tune, '94] / stuph from the HalfBaked muzikpack and K-POLAR = P0lar B0nd [ambient, '95] Popcorn - And the filename for "1 Mig Down"? TheHacker - 1MIG_KLF... hmm... I forgot to mention CITY#KLF = my "To The City" remix ['94] Popcorn - That just about raps up the interview, in closing, What are your plans for the future? TheHacker - muzik, muzik, muzik, going to Stevens Tech (Hoboken, NJ), muzik, my own worldwide web page, muzik, possibly marriage, job, muzik, $$, software company, muzik, and (did I mention?) muzik... ;) Popcorn - Wow! =) any last words? TheHacker - yeah, anything I just typed was probably produced by the "other" theHacker, and is probably untrue =) TheHacker - [damn these multiple personalities...] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ 5. Trax-Culture ]--------------------------------------------------------- _________ _______ ______ _____ ____ / \ \ \ | | | | .| . | | |____ ___ | | _| | | \ __ __| |_____ ___ _ __ _ __ \__ ___/ . | . |-- . --| | | | | \ | | ' \ \ | | : | : | : | -| | |__ _| | |_| _| | | | | | | | | | | ) | | | _| \___/ ____|____/___|__/_____|____|____/_____/ \____/_/ _____/____|____| Epinicion presents: APRiL F00LiOZ Recently on #trax, ior and I pretended Floodmyth had actually moved to Djibouti...here's the result of all the idiots we managed to convince it was actually true. =) Except for Quarex. =) BTW, we know this TraxCulture article is terribly long, but you just HAVE to read it all to grasp the depth of this joke! =) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, Flood Myth moved to djibouti (I'm NOT kidding =( and he's our "Djiboutian HQ." ior - I have a car. The problem now is convincing my anal-retentive mother to let me drive. :) { 09:23PM } e e e e e hahahahaha FLOOD MYTH MOVED TO DJIBOUTI!?!? where the hell is DJIBOUTI? psi: hahahahaha the tank. the tank. -> *ior* AHAHAAHA...I got the car anytime as long as I fill the tank. 0: Africa. :) I'm not joing... psi: Did he move to the capital of Djibouti? joking even. How about Sheng Long of Street Fighter 2 Is FM an african or something? THAT'S THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD. . was he a friend of yours, psi? if he is, then I'm sorry. -> *ior* play along. He is a friend of mine, and yes, he's african. quar: He's a friend of psi's and mine, yeah. We went to the same school. went being the key word here. Woo.. I bet the warez scene in djibouti is really hot bummer. . sorry then. If he were just a group member that you didn't know, it'd be funny :) z0: Hahahaha THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE DECENT PHONE LINES!!!! ior - Will do. :) It's our late April Fool's joke. :) { 09:24PM } -> *ior* AAAHHAHA. quar: Yeah... He was co "Djibouti Phone Company: How can I help you? Hold.. the rat just chewed through our telephone feed again.. damn styrophome satellite dishes 0: Aww man keyoke's directory is protected. I was going to make some kewl obscene direectories He is da sheit. [ neuropsy ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:25PM } lord: heheheHe left yesterday... heh He left yesterday... someone do me a favor? neuro!. hey neuro psi: Really? I thought he left lq ior: think about it. How many hours ahead of us is djibouti? Hey umm.. do they have internet servers in dijiboootah? ior - 8? 9? { 09:26PM }un .msg lord_zer0 you really are gay? I really think you shold tell the rest of defiancen 0: this isn't funny. psi: 8? 9? oh shit umm oops 0: SORRY! HAHHAHAHHA oh shit shit shitior: I don't know... pics; NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 =) ior: I don't know...What sucks is that no int fuckfuckfuck psi: I think it's 8 or 9. Let me check on my map/globe. One second... What sucks is that no internet access and no decent phone lines means zipp commo. hahaha .msg Lord-Pics well if she protested *that* much. . then yeah, it would probably be rape. But they'll never find the bodies, will they? I hope not. psi: bummer.. no internet access? OOPS hahahahahaha ior: talk! :)... Shit, what a way to go...him being a top ansi artist... HAHAHAHHAQHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA hahahahaahhahaahah ahh another raiding tactic I'll never understand african parents... *** Netsplit at 21:27:58 (irc.uiuc.edu *.bu.edu)8PM haha .msg lordq-rex look dude.. this whole hamster fucking thing.. I don't think I can keep it a secret much longer.. hell, I even told my mom.. sorry dood hehe psi: Ummm... What coast of Africa? ba: TALK! :) lets do it to random people in #wetsex .msg Lord_Zer0 I don't care if you *were* in the grassy knoll, *I* fired the fucking bullet, OKAY?!: d hah hahahaha hahaha quar: hahaha Lord-Pics [Hadji'd]: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH ior: djibouti is on the east coast of Africa, near the middle east. psi: Yeah... what a shame. He was almost in Ice, too. Okay... I'll look again. I didn't even know there was a country called DJIBOUTI. FUCK!!! DJIBOUT man. . the concept of anyone cool moving to djibouti. lord: Some african country z0: I went there once :) All those stupid jokes about djibouti, and then his fucking parents ACTUALLY MOVE THERE!!! lordq: Seriously? That would be kewl to say your from there z0: yep elite name psi: It's like 9 or 10 hours ahead.I don't know Lord_Zer0 / DJiBOUTi z0: I've been a lot of places. . going to england & sweden this summer hahahaha I don't know if you guys remember floodmyth...he's that ansi guy for epinicion? [ karnaaj ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:29PM } karnaaj!! who here has a TI-85? *** Lord-Pics is now known as DJiBOUTi flood myth can start a /NEW/ ansi group, DJiBOUTi!!!!! 0: HE CAN'T EVEN PLUG IN A COMPUTER THERE. 220V AC IS NOT STANDARD FOR PC'S! *** Signoff: ChuckB (Error 0) Where the hell is Djibouti? *** ior has changed the topic on channel #trax to Cry! Lament! Flood Myth has moved to Djibouti! What a way to go! :_( psi: yeah. . I used to talk to him once in a while.. didn't ever get into any meaningful conversation, but he seemd like a cool guy. [karnaaj] Look at my nipple and phear me! -> *ior* this is fucking hilarious [ AndrewM ] just joined < #trAx > at { 09:30PM } ior - Quarex is taking this hook line and sinker. :) { 09:30PM }I let us all bow our heads in mourning for floodmyth. . psibelius: NO COMPUTER? OH CHRIST.. seriously man! That would suck!!!! hey karnow. *** Signoff: BArtist (Connection reset by peer)..what really sucks is that we're all gonna be eniors Where is this SH psibelius: What were his parents smoking? ne tell me someone has a TI-85? ior - They all are !!!! HAHahahahahahaAHAAHAHAH! { 09:30PM } ior... I don't know...what really sucks is that we're all gonna be seniors this next academic year... psi *** Mode change "+o AndrewM" on channel #trax by bazooka.rutgers.edu 1PM @psibelius (+i) on #trax (+nst) [soFNlBMcaYR] [TextBox] ...I don't know what the hell he' TI sucks. :) quardo over there... ...I don't know what the hell he's gonna do over there...djibouti psi: And now he's gone. Da homie left. psi: you're disappointed about being older? :) psibelius: fuckin I would kill my parents until they shipped me off to africa *** Mode change "+o AndrewM" on channel #trax by Enchanter [ BArtist ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:31PM } *** DJiBOUTi is now known as Lord-Pix [ Lowrider ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:31PM } re all.t 0: lowriduh! someone has to have a ti-85 damn i Lowrider! hey n the ea hey lows ** PACKS OFFERED. /MSG Lowrider XDCC SEND #N for autosend pack #N #1 Defiance Crunchies, a wonderful small recipe for making the BREAKFAST of JamPions. Good stuff. Lots 'o Sugar. [2kb, 1 file] djibouti is a country on the east coast of Africa. a third world country with minor industry... HOME TO FM'S FUCKING GRANDPARENTS. *** karnaaj is now known as Lord_Karn woo-woo Lowrider: I fergot to ask you, what file format do they accept? hehehe. I tried that defi crunchies thing :) *** BArtist pinged everyone in #trax I'm baaack. ti-85 shit For what? Music? [ ChuckB ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:32PM } *** Mode change "+o ChuckB" on channel #trax by Enchanter [ChuckB] umm. it's like me. *** Lord_Karn is now known as karnaaj psi: Why did he have to leave? This really sucks! .mod format, or for grafix just about anything. hey cb Lowrider: grafx he could find a power converter, and start the first ever African demo scene erf shit His parents have been bitching about the U.S. for years... shit shit ior: he left because hee didn't have a choice. african demo scene.. they have a compo, two people show up. And Mcdonalds STILL sponsors it. I sent 'em .lbm's acuz that's the easiest transferrable. hahahaa err.. mcdonalds == gravis psi: He left us becuase his parents wanted to see his DAMN GRANDPARENTS?!?!?! That really pisses me off.??? *** Mode change "+o Lowrider" on channel #trax by Enchanter [Lowrider] ooOO D E F I A Lowrider: damn, I dont got Deluxe paint and stuff why the fuck did I type mcdonalds when I meant gravis?!?! psi: that bites. low: Whats that breakfeast of champions stuff? *** Signoff: ChuckB (Connection reset by peer) home... no, his parents anted to go home... ior! lordq: Cuz gravis is about as stable as mcdonalds Then make 'em .gif's. quarex: too much Pork z0: hehe [ ChuckB ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:33PM } *** Mode change "+o ChuckB" on channel #trax by Enchanter lordq: I'm still sore about losing my gus.. :> 0: Breakfast of Champions=Book by Kurt Vonnegut. Funny as hell! :) psi: Oh. It still sucks. anyone home? I'm still sore about losing my only working ansi artist!!! low: What's dat breakfeast thinger? =) Lowrider: okee Zeeeeerrrow: its a neat-o little recipe I made up. Read it, it's rad. z0: heh. I'm still sore about losing my best friend. We're even :) *** ChuckB pinged everyone in #trax low: CooL! ior - How do you display the topic to a channel? { 09:33PM } chuckie! ior - So that everyone sees it? { 09:33PM } ior: coolnezz can't. -> *ior* can't. lowrider: That kicks ASS ne1 have a ti-85? /topic #trax -- the "still sore about" channel. ior - Without retyping it? { 09:33PM } ior - You sure? { 09:34PM }/msg ior re THIS IS PAST ELITE: NO MUSIC GROUP CAN SAY.. THEY GOT A FUCKIN /RECIPE/!!!!!!typ hahae it. -> *ior* retype it. What kicks ass? My recipe? HAHAHA 0: I think in the book, Vonnegut says that the Breakfast of Champions is vodka. :) lowrider: ya [ShadowH] HaRDCoDE 95 ior - You sure it's the only way? { 09:34PM } Heh heh we're so fucking 3133+! shadowh is here? um ior - Okay. { 09:34PM } Did the recipe work? Did it taste grrrr-eat? 0: I think in the book, Vonnegut says that the Breakfast of Champions is vodka. :) WERE GONNA FUCKIN SHIP 100 BOWLS OF THIS STUFF TO NAID.. AND A BOWL TO FLOOD MYTH.. TO EXPRESS OUR GOODBYES. =) -> *ior* I think it's time we told them. =) 0: I think in the book, Vonnegut says that the Breakfast of Champions is vodka. :) it was TERRIBLE! but AWESOME! 0: I think in the book, Vonnegut says that the Breakfast of Champions is vodka. :) 0: I think in the book, Vonnegut says that the Breakfast of Champions is vodka. :) ior: hahahaha Lowrider: You must've been bored Heh heh lots of sugar. hehehe lowrider: Im gonna wiip up a ton of this shit this weekend.. ;> I liked the first recipe betttter :) 0: hahaha Ayep. I live 45 miles away from anyone. bettttttttttttttttttttttttter. segul: You come over and help me make some of this stuff.. :> ior - Okay. Change the topic? :) { 09:35PM } 0: Okay Which one? The super frosted toasty o's -> *ior* you change the topic to: LATE APRIL F00LIOS!!! I live next door to . . um. . Purple Motion segul: cool.. maybe my parents will let ya stay over.. we can like make TOO much of it. :> yeah, those. . great & sugary. I was scared to make htem :) brb all htem. 0: haha *** Signoff: karnaaj (No time to change your fate, no time left, it's too late.) [ LordQ-Rex ] just joined < #epi > at { 09:35PM } uh oh. . 6PM 0: crush some no doze *** ior has changed the topic on channel #trax to LATE APRIL FOOLIOS!ess??? -> #EPI yess??? better not leave :) I with I lived next to pm..I'd get my dick sucked all the time *[=) [ ShadowH ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:36PM } low: hAHAHAHA lord: Coolie.. you got some? =) sh! *** Mode change "+o ShadowH" on channel #trax by Enchanter quar: OHMYGOD! You're staying here! :) :) hey sh [ShadowH] HaRDCoDE 95 this is pretty fucked.. *** Signoff: ShadowH (Killed (dewey.cc.utexas.edu (ShadowH[irc.uiuc.edu] != irc.escape.com[@]))) wait a second. . are you saying that you were kidding about FM, since you just said "late april foolios"? Has anyone else tried the recipe? Its /<-RAD ior - They are ... Quarex got it! :) { 09:36PM } *** You are now talking to channel #epi *** Lord-Pix is now known as SeGuLfm uses the word 'foolio' all the time. =) fm uses the word 'foolio' all the time. =) ior - But besides him, they are too stupid to figure it out. :) { 09:37PM } And yes, we were kidding. it makes my mouth warter... but everyone else is just too stupid to figure out the symbolic relation. hehe. I thought you were adding on too much detail at the end there :) Ok, how du j00 start yer day? If yer like me, j00 eat something with enough sugar to put all the diabetics in the world into a coma. low: You rule!!!! Nyah nyah! :) [ ShadowH ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:37PM } low: =) but hey, I *did* believe you at first :)AHAHAHAHAHA. AHAHAHAHAHA. *** LordQ-Rex is now known as SirQuarex *** Signoff: ShadowH (Killed (dewey.cc.utexas.edu (ShadowH[irc.uiuc.edu] != irc.escape.com[@]))) Lowrider is blushing *[=) [ ShadowH ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:37PM } tell them. quar: you tell them. *** Mode change "+o ShadowH" on channel #trax by Enchanter oh well, let the others sit in their silent lucidity :) OKAY! HAHAHAHAH -> *sirquarex* tell everyone in #trax. =) GOD YOU GUYS ARE STUPIDA8PM AHAHAHHAHA. REFUSE LIKE FLOODMYTH WOULD FUCKING MOVE TO DJIBOUTI DIE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA MAGGOT-INFESTED SLIME [ karnaaj_ ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:38PM } Kiss djibouti VERMIN hey all *** ior has changed the topic on channel #trax to You guys are stupidto see it when it hits you in the face! werd karnaaj! Where IN THE HELL is Djibouti???? hahahahahaa shithole country on the I don't think they get it yet :> FM got me on the Sushi Car acuz he thot I was 3133+....fool. *** Signoff: ShadowH (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (irc-2.mit.edu <- irc-2.mit.edu))) a shithole country on the east coast of africa! GOD he's elephant food hell, is FM even african? :)AHAHAHAHHA. AHAHAHAHHA. *** karnaaj_ is now known as karnaajE GETS! -> #epi NO! HE'S WHITE AS ANYONE GETS! hey.. did I miss something? FM didn't move to DJIBOUTI? =) AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wow! You're quick, zer0! [ ShadowH ] just joined < #trax > at { 09:39PM } *** Mode change "+o ShadowH" on channel #trax by Enchanter does anyone have a ti-85? HAHAHA that's what I thought :) only non-caucasian or asian dude in the scene is Cardiac, I think. . segul: I checked the recipe.. sounds yummy! ;lo? *** ior has changed the topic on channel #trax to LATE APRIL FOOLIOS! 0: ha *** karnaaj pinged everyone in #trax okay there's el pachuco. . but --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ 6. Epinicion Column ]--------------------------------------------------- ___ _______ _____________ ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ___________ | // \\ \\_____) \\_____) \\_____) \\ \\ | : / o \ o \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ \: // _____// / \ : / \ _____/ \ / : \. \\_______/ _//______\\_|__//______\\_____//______\\_____//____| /: : \\____\\ ______________________________ oT /___//| |________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________| New songs this week: Epinicion Debut is an 8 channel XM by Riders, one of Epinicion's newest musicians. From Italy, Riders has an interesting style that places itself nicely in the ranks of Epinicion's diverse musical styles. Doh! is a hilarious s3m by Flood Myth, proving that ansi artists aren't ALL bad. =) Epinicion releases as well as new work from numerous other groups can be found at ftp.cdrom.com /.13/demos/incoming/music. Our musicdisk can be found at kosmic.wit.com /kosmic/epinicion. But as always, it as always easiest to DCC the files from us on IRC. There aren't any new members this week (surprise, surprise! =), but we're currently negotiating a few, continuing in Epinicion's tradition of aiding fellow musicians and artists in need, whoever they may be. Also, Epinicion is planning another musicdisk before this summer. More details on this in next week's column. Again =), I stress this: You need not be great to join Epinicion. You need only to aspire to be great. I quote from "Synners," a novel by P. Cadigan: "We do what we do and we do it because we can." Damn straight. If you are a dedicated person striving to become better, then email us. And join us. We're here for YOU, the musician. So if you think you have what it takes, don't bother waiting. Join Epinicion NOW. Psibelius (Gene Wie) Epinicion Founder gwie@coyote.csusm.edu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ 7. Kosmic Column ]------------------------------------------------------ . . .:.........:.. ... . + _:_______ : . + . . \ /__:__ . . . + . .:::. . \ / / . ... ... ````` ...... / _/ ___/_____________.__...:::::::.:::::::. ::::: .:::::'''' + / \ \ _ \ ___.::::::: :::: :::::: .::::: :::::: / /\ \__\_\ \____ \ `::::: :::; :::::'.::::::.::::::. ..:. . /_____/ \_____________________\..::::; ``` :::::::::::::;:::::::::::::; : : \ \___.._ ......:;:::: __ _ ``:::::::``` ```:::::::`` : : \___..__.. .::::::::::: __._ . . . (WW) . . .:............ .. . ``````` .+ . . : : + ... .... ...... a constellation of stars! Well, the week of NAiD is finally upon us. Here's what has been going on with Kosmic: NAiD plans ---------- At NAiD, Kosmic will be entering the demo competition with (surprise!) our first demo, and this one ain't no Santro folks :) It will be released shortly after NAiD, stay tuned for details. And of course there will be one or two entries from Kosmic members in the music competition ;) While you're at it, look for a 5'9" guy with glasses, a beard and some bad fashion sense, or just visit the Kosmic room (it's the one with the GOOD music coming out of it :) and say hello. New Members ----------- Chuck Biscuits, someone who you almost certainly have heard of before, (well, ok, except for you readers at the Artic Research Station) has joined Kosmic. Look for some great releases from him soon. New Releases ------------ Hopefully you have heard about Half Baked by now, but if you haven't, it's a 21 song musicpack released in 3 parts featuring music that i might best describe as "Kosmic Leftovers". There are some real gems in there, so check it out at our ftp site in the songs/95/ dir as K_HALF*.ZIP "Cliche" by the Hacker is a really unusual song. It's sort of really harsh rave music, very much like an Aphex Twin meets SL2 track to me. Get it now! K_CLICHE.ZIP in songs/95/ and the very latest release is "Maelstrom" by Nemesis. This is the kind of song that proves Nemesis is right up there with the very top 'demo musicians'. It's a mellow rock sort of tune. Get it as K_MSTRM.ZIP in songs/95/ Kosmic Sites ------------ FTP: kosmic.wit.com /kosmic/ World-Wide Web: http://kosmic.wit.com/~kosmic/ Other Stuff ----------- Madonna has a really good new trancy house song out. Is it "Bedtime Stories"? Let me know if you see the single with the Orbital remix of it. You know the world is coming to an end when Madonna has made a really good song :) - Maelcum --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ 8. Pure Column ]-------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________________ \ _________________________________________________________________ / \_______ __ / ____| ___________ __ / _/ __________/ |\ _/ ______/ _/ | \ _/ _______/ / ___/_ WW| \ = ==/ \=====/ : \==/ __ \====/ \=== Oo\ ===// \===/ . /=/ / \==/ \== .o/ /____________\ /_______________/ /_______/ \/_________________\ | / \___________\ |/ Hi there and welcome to the second PURE Sound Column ;) I hope U all liked the 1ST PURE Music Pack called PURE_M1*.zip that U had found of course on ftp.cdrom.com in /.13/demos/music/ directory! For this week, I'll make a brief history of the group. The group was founded about one year ago by Blue Adonis (PC man) and The Undertaker (Amiga man): the group known as TRAXX was born, it was a music only group and the first pack was released, TRAXX1, containing only 4 channels .mod, I've heard a lot of people telling me on IRC that they remember this pack ;) On amiga, TRAXX released music disk under the name of Save The Vinyl. Since then, the group gained lots of fame around the world and particulary in Europe where people are used to a much harder techno than al around the world. The group expanded a lot: 1st, there was more and more musician who asked to compose for us, 2nd there was lots of BBS who asked to be distro... All that make that TRAXX released 39 packs in all that were listened all over the world, thanks to our wide coverage of BBS.... The group has also gained in quality, for example, at our first appearance at a demo party (WIRED 94) I made second place in the multichanel compo and Blue adonis made third. hey, not too bad for a start! and considering that the guy that made first now compose for PURE, that's really good ;) We made also an apearance at THE PARTY IV, Blue composed a song that made 13th in the multichannel compo (for the first time in a BIG party ......) But at the beginning of this year, another idea came to the mind of some people: Why don't we merge to realise BIG projects? That's how the idea of PURE born, we made a meeting with some of the biggest best known group in BELGIUM, The Natives, Traxx, Hypernova, Spa+Spc, Digital House, Big Brainstorming and then PURE was born! and another project was born as well, but more news to come l8er :). There was some problem with names of the respective groups, Should we all use the name of PURE or keep our previous name stating PURE in the infos? We decided to use the name PURE only, and it leaded to some problem, that's partly why PURE is now only composed of TRAXX, HYPERNOVA . That's about all for the history of the music section of PURE, there should be other things to tell about the demo section of the group, but that's not for here (U know, this is a MUSIC newsletter;) ) Blaze Runner / PURE Sound Coord.\/ blaze.runner@pcb.mpoli.fi \/ 2:293/2220.1\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ 9. Advertisements ]----------------------------------------------------- .___________________________|___ __ _ | ____ | | :____: | ____________ ______|_ __________.____ | /\/\_________\_____ _ / /\ \ / ______/ _ ___/_ _ /. | __/____\ ___/\ / \ /_______ / \__\ /__/_ ___/ \ / \ / :_|__/__ ___/ \ _/ \ / \// _____/ . \_\ /: / __/ . \/ \/ | _____/ _/ \ \ \ / \___ \ __: \ / | / \ :_____\ \ |__ \ \ / \__\ \__/_______\ \ | \_/ /______\ | /________\_| \___\/| \____\ /______________ |____\ \ / /_____| /_______________\ | |____\ WW (mail to populus@llc.org to post here. It's FREE!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ 10. Distribution Sites ]------------------------------------------------ | Beats per Minute | Canada | (418)660-8137 | Populus | | MultiMedia GS | Singapore | (65)252-1220 | Lee Teck Chee | | Velvet Demosite | Belgium | +32-3-3851594 | Sleeping Dog | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ End ]------------------------------------------------------------------- /\___________ /(___________ = \ \_ \ \_ = ==========\ \================\________ \========= = \ _____) / | \ = = / ___/ N / : \_ = = / \ / ... / = =======__/ \==============__/ /===== = /_________________\ /__________________/WW =