. _| : _____ ______________ |___| _ _______/ 19 /\___________________________ / ____________/ /\__\ _ _______/____/_____________________________ / / _________ \/__/ ______\ 19 \_____________________________ / / / `_ . .~ \____\/ _ __ ___ / / / _____ . _ \ __ ___ _/__/\ / / / / /\ _ __ __\__\/ _/__/ / ____/ /__\_________________________________ _____ ___ _ / 19 /\/ /___ __________ _ ______ _ ___ \/ /\ / 19 / /____/19\ \ / /\ / __/\ / /\ \ \ / \ /____/ / / \ / \/ /_ \___/___/ \ \_/___/ / \_/ / / \ ___\ / /_/ /______/\/ \ /______/\/ \ /_____/ // \ \ / / / \ / / \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \ //____/\____\/ / / / / / \______\/ \______\/ \_____\/ \ \ \ \ / / / / \____\/\____\ / / / / _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ / / / /__/ w /\___/ /\___/ e /\___/ /\__ / l /\___/ /\____/ / / __/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/____/________/ / __\ \____\ e \____\ \____\ k \ ___\ \____\ y \__________/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/ \____\/WW ps: woa, a rendered askee! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | TraxWeekly Issue: #19 | Release date: 07-20-95 | Current subscribers: 251 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------[ Introduction ]------------------------------/ _ _________________ /_\ \__ / (stoney askee) ____ ______ \____ ____/____________ ______ _/ \ _/ \ \ww_/ \ _/ ________/_/ _ \ __/ \/ \ \/ \/ \ / | \__ ___ ___ _______ _/ \\ \ \\ \\ | \\/ | \_ ___ __ __ ____ /___________\__\_______\________\____|______\____________\ \__\ Hello everyone, welcome to another issue of TraxWeekly. Due to the small number of opinions I have gotten on the Hornet merger (ZERO), I assume no one reads what I type here, or no one cares. Here we are putting hours into getting this magazine to you, and no one can take 5 minutes out of their day to tell me what you think about this option. I'm sorry for the two people who wanted me to put ads in this issue... there was just too much other stuff to think about the ad section. I'd like to point out that our interview this week is bigger than TraxWeekly #17. So is the PMS section. Vortex has sent in a contribution explaining his side, I got his article on Wensday, and I decided to forward it to psibelius... on thursday I got not one, but three follup articles to Vortex's contribution. We also have TraxCulture, provided by me... some readers who have never been in #trax might not like it, but many people do... so if you are one of the people who dosen't like it, it is easy enough to skip over... I think it's funny... I now have a WWW page, check out: http://kosmic.wit.com/~kosmic/traxweek/popcorn/ - Popcorn [campbell@fox.nstn.ca] /---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------[ Contents ]---------------------------------/ ________ __________________________________________________________________ / ____/_/ __/ \ __/ / _____/ \ __/ __/ ___/__ < \____\ \ \\ \ \\____ __/ __/_\ \ \\____ \_____ \___ \ \ \ \\ \ \ww\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \__ _\________\________\\___\____\ \_____\\_______\\___\____\ \_____\_______\ General Articles Ramblings of a d00dleb0y....................Neurotic The PMS Page - *MY* Side of the Story.......Vortex Follup to Vortex............................Psibelius Future Assassin speaks......................Future Assassin Socal '95 Report............................Psibelius Interviews Quarex......................................Maelcum Group Columns Epinicion...................................Psibelius Closing Distribution Sites..........................Neurosis TraxWeekly Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info.........TraxWeekly Staff /---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------[ General Articles ]----------------------------/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[ Ramblings of a d00dleb0y ]--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good-day. My name is Neurotic, a name which may not be familiar to many of you in #trax due to the fact that it is not the channel I usually hang out in. Why? Because I'm not a musician, despite my two attempts in that direction. Anyone who has listened to either of them can agree that my decision to remain an ansi artist was quite sound. This is not saying that I have no musical taste, just that I have no ability to track. I realize that some of you must be thing "oh god! one of those geeks from #ansi!", but I will assure you that I am not part of that crowd. Heck, when I enter that channel half the morons in there mistake me for a newbie, or someone else with a similar handle. You know you've been around too long when the lamers-who-have-a-similar-nick-as-you are now in Acid. I was one of the original members of Union, and it was under my wings, as well as my fellow lessor staff members, that the group achieved it's notoriety. Early this year I left Union, after spending almost a year as staff, for a position in iCE. There I remained, until recently when I left along with several other old-name artists to form a group named Legend (not to be confused with the warez or demo groups of similar names). Needless to say, I've got over 75 ansis under my belt, as well as a couple of years experience, so I'm not your typical d00dle-lamer. I am super-d00dle-lamer. Enough blowing my own horn. Actually, I wish I could blow my own horn, but that's another text file. In the ansi scene, as the music scene, we deal with rippers. Apparently we deal with them more efficiently, because you don't see that many people making this big a deal of it. Said ripper simply gets defamed and kicked out of said group and no one hears from him again. I supposed that is a reflection of our egos and our ability to be pricks, since we wouldn't allow a forum for said ripper to continue to waste our time and energy, while you offer him articles in your magazines. I personally feel that this is because the majority of people attracted to ansi artwork are of a higher level of intelligence than most musicians. *** Neurotic has joined #ansi Ignore that last comment. Honestly, you guys on #trax are putting up with a hell of a lot more shit than we would. Maybe that's because the ansi scene has its roots in the warez scene while the music scene originated from pd. We're used to being elitist bastards. But pd doesn't necessarily mean lame. Two years ago I ran a local pd group with some friends of mine (MiST), and we contained musicians amongst our members. Unfortunately one of these musicians ripped, something my fellow members and I managed to catch since we all were pretty much fans of listening to pc music at the time. I ran a board with several hundred megs devoted to songs. We kicked him out of our group and disassociated ourselves from him and we went on to prosper, while he grew to become one of the biggest lamers my local scene ever produce imho. The funny thing about lamers is, they're usually lame in all aspects of life. ie: compulsive lying, stealing, back-stabbing, you name it. This one was, and eventually my local scene rejected him because of his actions. One may ask why I am getting myself involved in this matter. Simply put, Future Assassin is a friend of mine, and it was he who brought this to my attention by calling me up and saying "hey, recognize this?". I did. At the time of the Union music disk's release, I was senior staff in Union. I was the one responsible for zipping up and spreading all our packs and stuff. I zipped up the final copy of the Union music disk as well as the final version of the Union september pack and sent them to Nailz, the union whq and our major system in the us, Harvest Moon, all at the same time. I can vouch for the integrity of when the file was released, as can just about anybody who was in the scene at that time and bothered to pick up the music disk. I find it shocking that the accusees still refuse to accept the blame. This wasn't a similar sounding tune, this was byte-for-byte rippage with only the sample descriptions changed. Classic method. In many cases the song names, as well as the file names for the samples, are the same. In some of the original songs the original musician had used sample names containing his initials or handle, these remained unchanged in the rips. I mean, how dumb do you have to be not to realize these songs were ripped? How dumb? I mean, how dumb do you have to be? Talk about ignorance. The accusees in this matter seem to disbelieve the original proof, regardless of whatever evidence is brought in to the matter. You could hand them a sealed envelope with a disk containing the original music disk and a post date on it. They would claim that you took an old envelope and resealed it with the disk in it. They simply refuse to admit their wrong-doing. The most profound argument against their rebuttal would have to be: why would the original artists bother wasting their time? No well-known artist goes out and accuses a total nobody of ripping their stuff. It just isn't worth the time. Sorry to burst Immortal Software Production's bubble, but a total nobody is who you are. The only reason why you would be immortal is due to this incident. If Future Assassin hadn't brought knowledge of the ripping to the public, most people would never have heard of you. I sure know I wouldn't have, and I'm in your area code. "Fire in the Sky/Soul" was your average mdp music disk. Nothing special. The only thing that made it stand out from the crowd was the fact that the music was ripped. Even though it may be your wet dream, you guys aren't Future Crew. The sooner you realize this and get off your high horses and actually do something of note, the better off you will be. One thing I've pick up from the ansi scene is that I tend to mainly respect people who have been around long enough to make some sort of a mark on the scene. Because truly, until you've walked the walk, you can't even come close to talking the talk. And I'm afraid that talking is all that Immortal Software Productions can do. Neurotic / Legend ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[ The PMS Page - *MY* Side of the Story ]--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok everyone, before I get started, I'd just like to thank Popcorn for taking this article. That was something he didn't have to do. Thanks. Now then, to the action. As I'm sure 99.999% of you know, I am the one who shut down the Plagiarism In the Music Scene (PMS) page. As a result of this, most people from the music scene don't like me too much. In this article, I'm going to attempt to explain to you all why I shut down PMS, why I think I was well within my rights to do so and why I think a number of people have been immature in dealing with this whole thing. I'll begin by telling you all what exactly happened on my end the day I had PMS shut down; July 1. I logged in and found a message from Psibelius in my mailbox. It stated his opinion of myself, MuzikMan and Immortal Software Productions and that we had been featured on PMS. At that time, I didn't even know what PMS was, but decided to check it out since Psibelius was nice enough to give me the URL. I loaded the page and found a number of things on it which I didn't totally expect. In the section involving Immortal Software Productions and the accusations of MuzikMan having ripped music from several individuals, I found not only the "facts", but such things as our E-Mail addreses, links to those addresses, a link to my group's home page, such opinionated terms as "lamer" and worst of all, PRIVATE E-Mail between me and Future Assassin available for download in ZIP format. I was shocked and furious to say the least. Not only was none of this was published with our consent, but the "facts" which were stated were never entirely proven, though MuzikMan and I did apologize for them to avoid getting flamed every five minutes. I sat around for the better part of the morning trying to think of a way I could deal with this, then it came to me. That page had to be running off of SOMEBODY'S server! After a little surfing, I found out the E-Mail address for the server's administrator. I thought for a while of what kind of a message I would send her. What I ended up telling her was that the page contained Libelly Defamatious or slanderous matieral (which was true), that we could sue Psibelius and the University if we wanted to (true) and that, though we had no intention of doing such a thing, that some future person who would be featured on that page may decide to (also true). In order to save the University possible future legal action, the administrator told Psibelius to take the page offline, which he did. Some time went by, I went off to the Canada Day festivities with my friends and for another day or two, nothing really happened. Then people started finding out what I had done. Yet again, I wasn't a favoured person in the music scene. I would be kicked and usually banned from #TRAX when I would join it. Sometimes actual people would do it, other times, those who didn't have the balls to kick and ban me themselves would have Enchanter do it. Eventually, someone added my to Enchanter's "PermBan" list which prohibited me from joining #TRAX at pretty much any time. I also received a few E-Mail flames which I ignored. One night, I decided to go and see if there was some way I could make peace with at least some of the people. I joined #TRAX and evevtually got into an MSG conversation with Necros on what I had done. He tried to shut #TRAX up so I could make an apology. Most people didn't accept it and told me I was a "lamer". I also found and read Psibelius' article in TraxWeekly #17 which browsing the HORNET Archive one night. In the past weeks, I have been called a selfish individual, a thief, a lamer and many other things that I won't write. People have told me that I was being unfair and that I had no right to shut down PMS. They were completely gung-ho on the idea that PMS was preserving the right of musicians. I will admit without delay, that PMS was protecting the rights of musicians, but I ask you all, what about everyone else's rights? What about the rights of those who have been accused and convicted of a crime that they were never proven of commiting? What about one's right to a fair trial? Now I know that many of you would argue the right to free speech which is one of our most important rights. Another important right is the right to a fair trial. I tried arguing this with some people and they said that a person's right to free speech takes precedence. Where may I ask if that etched in stone? No single right is more important than another. For that matter, what about the privacy right? I didn't see Psibelius excercising that when he published my provate E-Mail with Future Assassin. I could care less if Future Assassin authorised it or not, *I* didn't! Also, where do many of you people get off flaming us all the time? For starters, if MuzikMan in fact did rip those songs, what makes it the right of anyone other than the accusors to come in and say that we're a bunch of theiving lamers who are a disgrace to the music scene? Immortal Software Productions didn't release Fire in the Soul to impress you people and we didn't release it for your criticizm. We made it so that MuzikMan could show what he could do. If we knew beyond a reasonable doubt that he ripped that music, we would pull our disk off Internet and kick him out so fast he wouldn't know what hit him! We don't condone ripping. We didn't kick him because the only proof we were given was the apparent "originals" of the songs which could have just as easily been modified by someone else as by us. Now, in terms of PMS, I admit that I was perhaps a bit out-of-line having it shut down, but personally I believe Psibelius and all supporters of the page were way more out-of-line than I was. Anyone who supports PMS is basically saying, "We have our rights and they are more important than everyone else's. We also can't be wrong because we're the majority and the majority is never wrong!" That is the single biggest load of crap I have EVER heard. Basically, I was thought to be some sort of evil threat to you for first having a musician who was accused and not proven of ripping and secondly for sticking up for him. Many have asked me, "Why do you stick up for him? Why not just kick him and save your own ass?" I'll tell you why, because he and everyone else in Immortal Software Productions is a good friend of mine. Is it a crime to stick up for one's friends when they are accused of something? I think most of you would say no. Well then, why must you all pester me so much? I stuck up for my friends and because of that, I am apparently some evil-doer. Hell, one night I even received two death threats on my answering service from some idiot who thought it would be fun to say he would kill me for what I did! People have told me that the best thing for me to do is to disband Immortal Software Productions and re-start the group without another name and different aliases for all of us. I have no intention of doing any such thing. We don't believe we are wrong and we will not go changing anything around just so we can come back and kiss up to you people, hoping that things will get better. We don't believe we are wrong and we will not submit to the mob mentality of a bunch of stuck-up, arrogant people who think that they are superior to the rest human race. Not all of what I ahve said here applies to everyone in the music scene. There are a number of you who don't care about this issue and have chosen to continue talking to me. I thank each and every one of those people. In conclusion, I would just like to say that you more than likely won't hear from another Immortal Software Productions member for a while. I know that's the way many of you want it, so you get your wish. I hope that one day, we can come back and join the scene again as people who are respected and not ridiculed for something that some people SAY they did. We are NOT disbanding. We have projects that we are working on and that we hope to release some time in the future, with MuzikMan as part of our team. I will also say without hesitation that I am proud and always was proud to be a member of Immortal Software Productions. If anyone has feedback that they wish to send me, they may send it to gcorc@synapse.net at their convenience. Flames are *NOT* welcome. If intelligent feedback is sent to me, I promise it will be replied to. If flames are sent to me, they will be ignored and their authors will show their immaturity. I thank you all for hearing my view on this issue and I hope that one day we can re-join you and contribute to the good music that you all produce. Thank you. Gerry Corcoran (gcorc@synapse.net), Proud President of Immortal Software Productions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[ PMS: Not again!]------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, it's apparent Vortex isn't going to quit, so here is yet ANOTHER breakdown of Vortex's claims. I'm not going to go into extreme petty details; you can find those in my article in TraxWeekly #18, available on ftp.cdrom.com /pub/demos/incoming/news. My responses are denoted with a <> in the left-most column. For those of you who don't know the story, Gerry Corcoran (Vortex) runs a group called Immortal Software Productions. His musician, Muzikman ripped a number of songs by Future Assassin, Pinion, and Maelcum. When I brought their plagiarism to the public view, Gerry Corcoran attempted to censor me and have my account removed. * This letter was formatted to fit the 76 column space requirement (the msg formatting was changed due to PINE mail forwarding). None of its content has been changed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 20:28:13 -0400 (EDT) X-Sender: gcorc@pop.synapse.net To: campbell@fox.nstn.ca From: gcorc@immortal.synapse.net (Gerry Corcoran) Subject: My Submission for TraxWeekly Hello Popcorn. Here is my submission for TraxWeekly. There was a lot I had to say so it is lengthy. I hope that's not a problem. Thanks for letting me write my opinion. I appreciate it. Can you do me a favour and BinHex or MIME encode a copy of the next TraxWeekly issue when it's released? I want to keep a copy of the issue with my article for reference purposes. Thanks. ---Begin--- Article Title: The PMS Page - *MY* Side of the Story Authored By: Gerry Corcoran/Vortex of Immortal Software Productions Authored For: TraxWeekly Submitted To: Chris Campbell/Popcorn Ok everyone, before I get started, I'd just like to thank Popcorn for taking this article. That was something he didn't have to do. Thanks. Now then, to the action. As I'm sure 99.999% of you know, I am the one who shut down the Plagiarism In the Music Scene (PMS) page. As a result of this, most people from the music scene don't like me too much. In this article, I'm going to attempt to explain to you all why I shut down PMS, why I think I was well within my rights to do so and why I think a number of people have been immature in dealing with this whole thing. <> Say whatever you want, but may I remind you that my article in <> TraxWeekly #18 adddresses nearly everything you have claimed up to this <> point and disproves nearly all of them. I'll begin by telling you all what exactly happened on my end the day I had PMS shut down; July 1. I logged in and found a message from Psibelius in my mailbox. It stated his opinion of myself, MuzikMan and Immortal Software Productions and that we had been featured on PMS. At that time, I didn't even know what PMS was, but decided to check it out since Psibelius was nice enough to give me the URL. I loaded the page and found a number of things on it which I didn't totally expect. In the section involving Immortal Software Productions and the accusations of MuzikMan having ripped music from several individuals, I found not only the "facts", but such things as our E-Mail addreses, links to those addresses, a link to my group's home page, such opinionated terms as "lamer" and worst of all, PRIVATE E-Mail between me and Future Assassin available for download in ZIP format. I was shocked and furious to say the least. Not only was none of this was published with our consent, but the "facts" which were stated were never entirely proven, though MuzikMan and I did apologize for them to avoid getting flamed every five minutes. I sat around for the better part of the morning trying to think of a way I could deal with this, then it came to me. That page had to be running off of SOMEBODY'S server! After a little surfing, I found out the E-Mail address for the server's administrator. <> Umm, I'm tempted to recap more of the story again, but I'll save it <> ntil later, because there are a few more points I need to cover. <> Especially about the songs that Muzikman ripped which you claim he <> didn't. I thought for a while of what kind of a message I would send her. What I ended up telling her was that the page contained Libelly Defamatious or slanderous matieral (which was true), that we could sue Psibelius and the University if we wanted to (true) and that, though we had no intention of doing such a thing, that some future person who would be featured on that page may decide to (also true). In order to save the University possible future legal action, the administrator told Psibelius to take the page offline, which he did. <> There was no libelly defamtious/slanderous material on the page. Every <> piece of info on there was true, supported by evidence. Your threats to <> sue are complete bs, and my right to reveal YOUR crimes are protected by <> the first amendment (Bill of Rights, Constitution of U.S.A). I'm really <> sick of your litigation threats and frankly, be glad that I'm not enough <> of a bastard to shove in a harassment counter-suit, among other things. <> Since you've been threatening all of us for quite some time, when are <> you going to stop flapping your gums and actually DO something? You <> have claimed many times you will sue. I'm still waiting. Some time went by, I went off to the Canada Day festivities with my friends and for another day or two, nothing really happened. Then people started finding out what I had done. Yet again, I wasn't a favoured person in the music scene. I would be kicked and usually banned from #TRAX when I would join it. Sometimes actual people would do it, other times, those who didn't have the balls to kick and ban me themselves would have Enchanter do it. Eventually, someone added my to Enchanter's "PermBan" list which prohibited me from joining #TRAX at pretty much any time. I also received a few E-Mail flames which I ignored. One night, I decided to go and see if there was some way I could make peace with at least some of the people. I joined #TRAX and evevtually got into an MSG conversation with Necros on what I had done. He tried to shut #TRAX up so I could make an apology. Most people didn't accept it and told me I was a "lamer". I also found and read Psibelius' article in TraxWeekly #17 which browsing the HORNET Archive one night. In the past weeks, I have been called a selfish individual, a thief, a lamer and many other things that I won't write. People have told me that I was being unfair and that I had no right to shut down PMS. They were completely gung-ho on the idea that PMS was preserving the right of musicians. I will admit without delay, that PMS was protecting the rights of musicians, but I ask you all, what about everyone else's rights? What about the rights of those who have been accused and convicted of a crime that they were never proven of commiting? What about one's right to a fair trial? Now I know that many of you would argue the right to free speech which is one of our most important rights. Another important right is the right to a fair trial. I tried arguing this with some people and they said that a person's right to free speech takes precedence. Where may I ask if that etched in stone? No single right is more important than another. For that matter, what about the privacy right? I didn't see Psibelius excercising that when he published my provate E-Mail with Future Assassin. I could care less if Future Assassin authorised it or not, *I* didn't! <> PMS is protecting the rights of people to their intellectual property, <> which your musician Muzikman violated, and which you supported him in. <> Reporting the activites of criminals takes predence. You as a criminal <> recieve no rights. As for the privacy issue, too bad. Future Assassin <> had his rights violated by YOU and muzikman, and to protect his work and <> punish you, he revealed them to the public. What I'm saying is, I don't <> care if you authorized it our not. Since you and Muzikman didn't show <> any respect at all to the people whose music you stole, there is no <> reason why you deserve any respect back. Also, where do many of you people get off flaming us all the time? For starters, if MuzikMan in fact did rip those songs, what makes it the right of anyone other than the accusors to come in and say that we're a bunch of theiving lamers who are a disgrace to the music scene? Immortal Software Productions didn't release Fire in the Soul to impress you people and we didn't release it for your criticizm. We made it so that MuzikMan could show what he could do. If we knew beyond a reasonable doubt that he ripped that music, we would pull our disk off Internet and kick him out so fast he wouldn't know what hit him! We don't condone ripping. We didn't kick him because the only proof we were given was the apparent "originals" of the songs which could have just as easily been modified by someone else as by us. <> The accusors came to you. When they were bluntly rejected without any <> discussion, they turned to their friends for assistance. And that is <> where we came in to help. As for "Fire in the Soul," you showed exactly <> what Muzikman is capable of: NEXT TO NOTHING. His rips are so obvious <> that any musician that has been in the scene since early 1994 can tell <> you it's a rip! For example, in Muzikman's supposed "remix" of Future <> Assassin's "Demon's Pride," why is FA not credited for the original? <> When all the sample text is removed, why is Muzikman's mod the same <> exact size as the original? If Muzikman's songs are original as you <> claim, then why do Muzikman's samples read "trumpet.fa" among others? <> The fact is, Muzikman ripped three songs, and we can PROVE IT. Perhaps <> you would like Interplay Productions to know that Muzikman ripped a song <> from their game Star Control II? Now, in terms of PMS, I admit that I was perhaps a bit out-of-line having it shut down, but personally I believe Psibelius and all supporters of the page were way more out-of-line than I was. Anyone who supports PMS is basically saying, "We have our rights and they are more important than everyone else's. We also can't be wrong because we're the majority and the majority is never wrong!" That is the single biggest load of crap I have EVER heard. Basically, I was thought to be some sort of evil threat to you for first having a musician who was accused and not proven of ripping and secondly for sticking up for him. Many have asked me, "Why do you stick up for him? Why not just kick him and save your own ass?" I'll tell you why, because he and everyone else in Immortal Software Productions is a good friend of mine. Is it a crime to stick up for one's friends when they are accused of something? I think most of you would say no. Well then, why must you all pester me so much? I stuck up for my friends and because of that, I am apparently some evil-doer. Hell, one night I even received two death threats on my answering service from some idiot who thought it would be fun to say he would kill me for what I did! <> Okay, I'm sick of this shit, and here it is, on the line: Muzikman is <> a ripper. Most of his songs are rips. Even the NAME of your musicdisk <> is ripped from a movie! The truth in this matter is that you can't <> handle the truth. You can't handle the fact that one of your friends is <> indeed a liar himself, and that you have lied to protect him. You still <> claim that Muzikman's plagiarism was never proven. How many times do we <> have to say this to you? YOU ARE WRONG. Do you know WHY the majority <> is against you? Becuase nearly every goddamn musician in the scene that <> knows Future Assassin, Pinion, and Maelcum and/or those songs KNOWS that <> Muzikman STOLE them. People have told me that the best thing for me to do is to disband Immortal Software Productions and re-start the group without another name and different aliases for all of us. I have no intention of doing any such thing. We don't believe we are wrong and we will not go changing anything around just so we can come back and kiss up to you people, hoping that things will get better. We don't believe we are wrong and we will not submit to the mob mentality of a bunch of stuck-up, arrogant people who think that they are superior to the rest human race. Not all of what I ahve said here applies to everyone in the music scene. There are a number of you who don't care about this issue and have chosen to continue talking to me. I thank each and every one of those people. <> I couldn't care less if you don't believe you are wrong. No matter how <> you try to get around it, you are WRONG. As for not kissing up to <> people, I have a little email that you sent to a fellow musician <> (Blackwolf) that has been publicized. In the interests of preserving at <> least some of your dignity, we have decided not to put it into print, but <> it demonstrates exactly who you are. A politically motivated, <> brown-nosing, ass-kissing, LAMER. In conclusion, I would just like to say that you more than likely won't hear from another Immortal Software Productions member for a while. I know that's the way many of you want it, so you get your wish. I hope that one day, we can come back and join the scene again as people who are respected and not ridiculed for something that some people SAY they did. We are NOT disbanding. We have projects that we are working on and that we hope to release some time in the future, with MuzikMan as part of our team. I will also say without hesitation that I am proud and always was proud to be a member of Immortal Software Productions. <> You know, it wouldn't be so hard if you APOLOGIZED for what you did, and <> end it there. Your first apology was invalidated after you went on a <> covert operation to eliminate my account. While you appear to repent in <> public, your true intentions still belie you. If anyone has feedback that they wish to send me, they may send it to gcorc@synapse.net at their convenience. Flames are *NOT* welcome. If intelligent feedback is sent to me, I promise it will be replied to. If flames are sent to me, they will be ignored and their authors will show their immaturity. I thank you all for hearing my view on this issue and I hope that one day we can re-join you and contribute to the good music that you all produce. Thank you. Gerry Corcoran (gcorc@synapse.net), Proud President of Immortal Software Productions ---End--- TTYL! Gerry Corcoran/Vortex, President of Immortal Software Productions *** Internet address: gcorc@immortal.synapse.net FreeNet address: ap516@FreeNet.Carleton.CA World-Wide Web URL: http://www.synapse.net/~immortal *** "When a day that you happen to know is Wednesday starts off by sounding like Sunday, there is something seriously wrong somewhere." -John Wyndham, The Day of the Triffids <> Conclusion: Same as last issue. Gerry Corcoran, you have no honor, and <> no ethics. You are the most immoral person I've been graced to <> encounter anywhere. You and your group have not only victimized other <> musicians, you have tried to run away from apologizing, harassed non- <> involved people, and tried to have my account removed for no good reason <> at all. Then you are also a liar. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerry Corcoran, NO ONE is afraid of you. Your threats of litigation are utterly fantasy. You know the truth. If you dare try to silence us one more time, you will be met with full retaliation. This is your last chance to apologize and END your crap once and for all... ...or otherwise, you and your group REMAIN on the new PMS page and stay there to remind others not to repeat your mistakes. And this time, I've found a sysadmin who isn't going to believe or care what you have to say or what legalese you try to throw at him. * http://www.csusm.edu/public/guests/gwie/pms.html Visit the page. Online, we have not only do we cover most of the private mail sent earlier by Muzikman and Vortex, we also have the most convicting piece of evidence online. Future Assassin's original "Demon's Pride" song released in the September 1994 Union Musicdisk. And also a copy of the supposed "remix" by Muzikman which is in fact, nothing more than an exact copy with Muzikman's name on it. Gerry Corcoran, you are an immature brat. Grow up. LAST WARNING: We're going to see a written public apology by you next week, in TraxWeekly #20 EXPLICITLY to Future Assassin, Pinion, and Maelcum for ripping their songs, and to ME for your attempts to kill my account after we agreed to end this battle. There will be NONE of your claims that you are innocent, because we have presented convicting evidence otherwise. It's time to face the music. You aree, and always have been, WRONG. Gene Wie (Psibelius) ACiD.Epinicion.TraxWeekly gwie@owl.csusm.edu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[ Future Assassin Speaks]------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those of you who are sick and tired of this whole "Vortex and Muzikman vs. The World" case, page down three or four times. This may get a bit lengthy. For those of you who still have the energy in your body to CARE, read on. Once again, it's Future Assassin, and recently I read an article written by Vortex which is meant for release in Traxweekly #19. I found this article SO humerous, that I simply had to write a follow-up. Rippers are common. They pop up from place to place, gaining sudden negative exposure, and eventually they go away. Nitewynd being a prime example. However, the case of Muzikman is different. HE went away, but his blindly loyal friend Vortex remains, still tugging at what's left of a dead dog's carcass. It's getting annoying, and I'm going to end the whole situation with this letter. When I first entered the scene, I viewed it as being a big, imaginary, virtual playground "A-La-Barney". It seems that on the day that we were playing with our "Mr. Grown Up Hats", Vortex forgot to take his off. Hence, we now have a 16-year old, who wants to go on 30, and is doing a bad job. This is seen by his refusal to realize that he's running a GROUP, and not a COMPANY. It also seems that he gets great pleasure out of throwing around legal terms as if he was the one who invented them. The first thing I'll bring up, and the easiest thing to resolve, is the PMS page, a service dedicated to aiding those musicians whose music has been ever-so-politely taken from them. The page undoubtedly contains a few songs, E-Mail, and IRC capture files which are related to the music rips in question. All the articles conatin straight, simple fact which has not been edited to directly alter the outcome of our opinions. Heaven-forbid, the almighty word "LAMER" has appeared once or twice when talking about either Vortex or Muzikman. What would you EXPECT us to call an obvious ripper and his naive group president who enjoys wallowing in self-pity? GODS? If that's the case, Malerie, gimme a shotgun and lots of ammo, I wanna go to hell. Speaking of which, my friend and I were talking on the phone recently about this situation, and we bagan joking around with the concept of this being transcribed into a musical with Vortex and Muzikman singing the lead roles and yapping on about how innocent they are. Then we realized that this wouldn't work, because immediately after the musical's premiere, Vortex's lawyers would file a lawsuit against Mr. Andrew Lloyd Weber pertaining to his theft of their ideas. Honestly Vortex should seriously consider stopping all the constant whining and complaining he's been doing lately. If his goal is to act "professional", he has a long way to go. In Vortex's little ditty to TraxWeekly, he mentioned the use of his E-Mail adresses, links to them, etc. on the PMS page. He made it sound as if it was such priviliged, classified information. FEAR our CSIS spies who managed to find all that out for us. Actually, it was in their info file, as well as such things as their phone numbers, schools they went to, complete names, etc. Just be thankful that we were nice enough to leave all that out. They seemed to be anxious to release all their personal information when that info file was written. What's so different now? ... Oh yeah, I forgot. Your musician ripped. I see. Next on the list is proving the music rips. I hate to be the one to say this, but there IS no solid way to prove the rips. In this day and age, it's easy to make people think anything on the computer. However, I did some research lately, and found what I consider to be the most solid evidence possible. A local BBS to Vortex, Musikman, and I, called "NED'S OPUS". It's a rather BIG board, and the sysop is known for being quite the prick. Getting ANY kind of favour out of him is impossible, unless you're a $10,000 a year payed subscriber. Anyways, I found the musicdisk ON that BBS, and the date it was uploaded was the 11th of November, 1994. That's certainly LONG before Musikman "created" his musicdisk. Searching for "UNIM" will find it. If he STILL refuses to believe that the music was ripped, then forget it, I guess I'll have to live with the fact that he simply doesn't want to grow up and face the facts like a good little group president. Vortex, if you want the numbers for NED'S, leave me mail. My address is at the end of the article. I must admit, however, that I commend Vortex on his loyalty to his group and it's members. Unfortunately, he's taking it a little too seriously. It amuses me that he still sticks up for Muzikman even after he admitted to the rips. Vortex MAY be doing a good job at being a close friend for Muzikman, but he'll have to think of the fact that Muzikman's rips have cut the group's.... Err... Sorry..... COMPANY'S reputation down considerably. Vortex, maybe you should consider the fact that your loyalty to your friend isn't being returned, hmm? I must say, the only thing that you're a victim to is your own ignorance, and refusal to accept the facts. 99% of the users in the scene consider it all a hobby, just a few people getting together, and composing some cool tracks. Most of them do it for their own satisfaction, and the only thing they ask for in return is respect for what they have accomplished. I never had any intention of bringing law enforcement agencies into this matter, I just wanted the respect due to me for my music, and low-and-behold, I couldn't even get that, thanks to Muzikman. You keep complaining about how Immortal Software Productions aren't getting the rights you people deserve. Well, you lost your rights when you infringed on the rights of Myself, Pinion, Maelcum, and a few others. Now, Vortex, you have more proof as to the rips Muzikman has made. You now have the option of believing us, or him. I personally don't care anymore, because you carried this on way too long. It's hard trying to get a simple concept into the brain of someone who isn't willing to have an open mind. There's no more that I can say about this, just that I'm dissapointed to find that there are so many two-faced individuals out there who don't want to play like good little boys and girls in our virtual playground, by our virtual rules. These mean boys and girls ruin it for the rest of us, and in the future, let's be more like Ansi artists. :) As for Vortex, I just have one last thing to mention. You spoke of wanting to leave the scene because it was all to harsh for your fragile emotions, in light of that, I have this to say: See Vortex See Vortex leave Leave Vortex, Leave. Future Assassin / ice.union.epi.werd ar482@freenet.carleton.ca ftp /pub/neurotic/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[ SoCal'95 Party Report from Psibelius' Perspective]---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, it's now 5:30pm here in ior's basement bash'95...we have just concluded the music compo as well as the 10 minute tracking compo, and I'm extremely proud to say that even though only SEVEN of us total attended the party, it was a great success and we hope to have a rehash next year. But anyways, on to the actual events: I didn't get to ior's basement until early Saturday afternoon, a few hours after the party began. Floss, DrEmp, and ior tackled the machines, DOOMing it out for a few hours. But the of course, DrEmp's parents just HAD to use the machine, so there ended our network games...not much happened during the day, and I took off around 8pm, but that's where the fun began. =) Floss, Ior, and Wyvern sat through much of the night viewing demos and demos and demos and demos and demos and...=) I'm pretty sure it was entertaining. Then again, I've never watched 4 hours of demos, so I wouldn't know. The next morning I found Floss and Ior on the ground in sleeping bags... Sunday, COMPO DAY! =) By the way, did I mention what Floss found on Ior's computer? Respect for a friend prevents me from printing here exactly what direction our discussion went, but Ior replied much along the lines of "Those aren't mine!" =P But anyways Flossie here took off on ST3 and tracked for over four hours to finish his compo song. Which took 2nd place I believe. Too bad Greyhound managed to lose his entire $5000 computer system...Daedalus and Sketch arrived from CSUN and we spent the rest of the afternoon tracking, playing songs, and whatever. Daedalus spent much of the day on the floor on a beanbag, delerious from his numerous injections of codiene or whatever he was high on at the time. We had a few problems tripping over the syringes lying all over the floor but we managed to escape any serious injury. =) (EXCUSE ME, I WAS JUST KIDDING) We had nine entries in the music compo. I'm not exactly sure what the results were, but we had a lot of great laughs. Especially when one song came up that ranted "eeyore! eeyore!" Floss cracked up immediately, and most of us followed suit. In fact, we didn't even hear the rest of the song. Quarex? Well, that's what we thought. It turned out to by Cerulean, who gets a big pat on the back. =) That brings me to another point. Being impartial in these damn things is impossible. And if you people want the songs and results, get SOCAL95.ZIP or whatever it's called whenever ior decides to release it... The ten minute tracking compo was cool. Except for the fact that after the time limit had almost elapsed, Daedalus hit alt-z twice in scream tracker and nuked his entire song. So that left my own song vs. Floss (gee, err, I wonder who won???? =). So I proceeded to get my ass kicked for the second time that day... We concluded the festivities with speeches (which will be available in the party report demo whenever Zab and Floss put it together) and a quick singsong of "Harvey the Wonder Hamster." Anyways, here are my unofficial ratings about SoCal'95: Attendance: **-------- (estimated 50, actual 7) Location: *******--- (Damn its gets hot in that basement) Food: ********-- (thanks for the tomatosauce-less pizza Daed! =) People: ********** (phear floss, sketch, daed, wyvern, dremp!) Organization: *********-(welcome to the EEYORE basement bash'95 =) Speeches: ********** (phear DAEDALUS! AYIYIYIYIYI!!!!!!!) 3r33tness: *************************** (WERD WERD WERD!!!!!!!!!!!) Official SoCal'95 Motto: "Sir, please come out of the building with your pants down and your wallet out!" Yes, I understand that this article is a bit disjointed. It's actually kinda DUMB. Blah, well anyways, for most of you music scene people, it's pretty easy to see we didn't do very much...except have fun. =) SoCal'95 was small, not many people attended. Okay, it wasn't Assembly America: The New Phase. We didn't have huge sponsors, 999999 watt stereo, or 999999 inch big screen. But it still ruled. SOCAL95.ZIP should be out right now (1.9 megs). If not, blame ior. =) A party report will be coming out pretty soon, with cool pics, SPEECHES, and other assorted party garbage...=) Psibelius [TraxWeekly Columnist] gwie@owl.csusm.edu /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------[ Interviews ]-------------------------------/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ ___.___________ ________ . _______ / \ _______ :___| ___\__.___ _ /________\_____ | _. _\______/_ \ /______ __\ . / \ / ____/ __ ____/ |__:___. _ _ _____/ \ /_______ . | . / \/ _/ \ | /. |/ __/ (- -) /__ \WW : | ./ \ \ . \ : / . | \ oO / \ | | \ ._________\ \ : \ . / . | O \ / |___|____\ /. /__________\ |______\ /___._|_______/_/\__/________\/ \/ . /______| \ / . . \/ . =============.=================================.============================= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . --[ Interview with Quarex ]------------------------------------------------- Here now, complete and UNEDITED, is a combination psychology, tell all, and interview with QUAREX of Kosmic. WARNING: this REALLY is unedited, this is not bullshit. I was going to edit all this personal stuff out, but lucky you, you get to read it after all. Here 'tis... i'm really depressed or something < Quarex > maybe it's not the best time to do this then :> it's really boring without a damn ftp site to run I guess. < Quarex > I guess. < Quarex > Here, instead of having an interview, let's have a deep psychological analyzation. < Quarex > :) if kosmic doesn't have an ftp site, it's really pointless to have kosmic nowadays uh oh < Quarex > uh oh cuz bbses sck now and stuff damn i ate too much of those crappy super-greased mccain's spicy curly fries < Quarex > hehehe < Quarex > well, yeah. < Quarex > even though I'm sure you could get another ftp site if you needed. our whole distribution relies on the ftp site now well yeah but in the meantime things are really boring < Quarex > if defiance could get two sites. . I think kosmic could get at least one other stable one. < Quarex > I'm sure. * Quarex comforts Maelcum i'm really sick of the *** **** ****** too NOTE: ok, i lied, somethings HAVE to be edited =) < Quarex > :) < Quarex > We should drive to their mainframe and kill them they're nice guys but they're totally clueless about < Quarex > Maybe they should get more porn. i mean, the first thing you do to run a sucessful ftp site is to run it on one kind of software and stick with it < Quarex > /kosmic/porn < Quarex > And especially don't swtch to a less reliable software in the middle. (line omitted) < Quarex > they just need a good smack. they have plenty of hardware to have a great site, if only they would use it right (stuff omitted) instead of doing anything original like having a nitewynd directory. < Quarex > like having a nitewynd directory. it's like they really don't have much incentive.. like at one time they might have, but they've lost it now you could have androids replace them < Quarex > you could have androids replace them like in GI Joe even a nitewynd directory would be an improvement on the world's (man, quarex, buy a terminal program that logs scrolled messages =) jeez hahhahahaahh < Quarex > hehe shut up < Quarex > hahahah i should be logging this for traxweekly < Quarex > I could send you a copy :) but i just realized logging SUCKS on vt100 irc with procoomm are you logging this? good < Quarex > hahahaha < Quarex > "the pre-interview chatter" are you? as long as one of us is fuck the interview < Quarex > haha < Quarex > yeah, we'll have to cut that out since i'm always for family values and stuff < Quarex > hehe i have a really bad pain like i think women get when they have had birth by caesarean section < Quarex > sure, I'm for family values, but I demand EVIL! i carried like 5 air conditioners today < Quarex > Then perhaps you should quit that job as an arms dealer. i really hate air conditioners now i couldn't be an arms dealer, i only have one arm that works well do you know those bucky and vinny guys? the taxi drivers turned film critics? who subway is now paying to go around the country and eat their subs? ping? < Quarex > ping well, that should be us < Quarex > hehe. we should be on a subway commercial eating subs for money < Quarex > Maybe they're actually filming you all this time. we'd be cooler than those old farts you're not saying much this whole screen looks like < Maelcum_ > blah < Maelcum_ > blah < Maelcum_ > blah < Maelcum_ > blah < Maelcum_ > blah etc say more stuff < Quarex > okay. < Quarex > fine. what are you, pissing in the wind or somehting? < Quarex > I'll start saying random things that will go over well with the people in traxweekly :) ok < Quarex > WOW, THIS SURE IS A GREAT INTERVIEW < Quarex > I AM GLAD TO BE TAKING PART IN A TRAXWEEKLY EXERCISE IN FREEDOM OF SPEECH perisoft is really cool and people should leave him alone. anyone that fucks with perisoft fucks with me < Quarex > You wanting hear funny joke, yes american? I tell joke. no, you gotta say things that are really popular < Quarex > Why American chicks so ugly? Because American guys ugly! Ha! everyone should leave nitewynd alone, because really nitewynd is just me in my spare time < Quarex > oh, that kind of popular. < Quarex > hahah whenever i get sick of being maelcum, i go and rip other people's songs and be nitewynd < Quarex > D'OH necros is really cool, and an excellent musician.. BUT i am REALLY tired of seeing in EVERY interview... < Quarex > That's right, you and nitewynd are never in the same place at the same time! "OH I KNOW IT'S CLICHE, BUT NECROS is my biggest influence in tracking" < Quarex > Hahahah and the guy who's being interviewed is like a total trent-reznor imitator hmm Trent-Reznor; sounds like some financial company < Quarex > Heh. . the offices of trent-reznor and glenn. i am sorry, but chances are, mr. average tracking joe, you're alot more influenced by Major Tom and ME than necros after all, WE MADE ALL YOUR FUCKING SAMPLES!!! what's the big deal about ripping songs anyway? < Quarex > haha i mean, all these DORKS complain about ripping go and half their sample collection is samples that >I< sat around for hours making it's true < Quarex > That's a way of thinking about it. And it's probably accurate. But there's still a difference between that and just taking someone's song and putting your name on it. like theres these shitty shitty rezonant bassy sounds floating around nowadays in alot of things. guess who made them? < Quarex > It's not as big of a difference as people might think. . < Quarex > hehe and guess who is the only person that people never credit samples from? < Quarex > you. i've never seen a single person interviewed who said i was an influence on their work, or that they thought i was one of the best tracker musicians so either i've written alot of shitty songs, or these guys are really deaf < Quarex > I would lean towards the deaf side. i wish people would just come out and say "MAELCUM YOU SUCK!!! YOU'VE WRITTEN TWO THOUSAND REALLY BAD SONGS!!!!" < Quarex > hahaha < Quarex > But I don't think anyone thinks that. . it's just you get overlooked for no reason. instead of acting like i'm some god just so they can improve their miniscule chances of getting into KOsmic i mean, PERSONALLY i think i'm a pioneer of this scene < Quarex > hehe. . and then there's me, I said you did a good remix of one of my songs and I get in =) < Quarex > So it doesn't really help after all. and i'm totally conceited about that, but i mean, BILL GATES gets credit for MICROSOFT, why shouldn't I get credit for what i did? < Quarex > There are like 15 of your old mods on my mod CD, and I remembered your name easily and then, when I saw you on #trax I think last july, I said "hey, that's maelcum, he's been tracking for a long time". . < Quarex > I'm sure everyone's initial reaction is something like that. . i mean, even if their were lots of PC trackers before me, i didn't know there were, so i'm kind of like < Quarex > So perhaps it's just kissing up to the most popular of the moment. a pioneer in my own ignorant world or somethign < Quarex > well, I know I certainly can't think of any other PC trackers before you. people either worship me like some kind of great master (hello guys whose shirts i signed at naid =) or treat me like i'm just one of the 96 in epinicion or something i wonder now if i can even get a straight opinion of my music < Quarex > haha. Well, in any case, the most brilliant people in any field usually have a following of people who know their actual skill and a great deal who hate them simply because they dare to. . do something. I dunno. < Quarex > Well, I'm sure you could. I don't lie =) it seems like i either get Future Crew-syndrome, where someone likes the worst shit i put out because my name is on it... < Quarex > hehe or the stuff that i would THINK is my best work, and is something really different and special, gets totally overlooked < Quarex > Which is a main drawback of popularity, your really amazing stuff might get treated like anything else, wheras if you have no status then putting out something great will stick in people's minds. and i mean.. let's be totally honest to everyone: i am NOT that good. ask someone who saw me track at naid. i'm a total bullshit artists i just hit keys and rearrange notes < Quarex > but if it gets results, why stop? the only thing i actually know what i'm doing is with drum tracks, and i mean who can't figure that out!? < Quarex > you'd be surprised :) well, aside from ummm can't think of any names but JEEZ GUYS IT'S CALLED A 4/4 BEAT < Quarex > haha BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM < Quarex > hehehehe is it THAT hard? i swear, there are people who don't know the difference between your bass drum and your snare drum, and that totally amazes me i really respect bill gates < Quarex > anyone who can make that much money with that kind of product deserves kudos i'd like to make kosmic as big as microsoft, but for free < Quarex > and have the KFMF CyberCity. it's not even like microsoft's products are that bad - everyone sits around and says how they suck, but with only a few exceptions no one else seems to have come up with anything better < Quarex > yeah. . and dos is still fine as far as I'm concerned. . windows is only bad because I don't like clicking on things (yet I like fasttracker for some reason, go figure) i mean, if DOS really sucked/sucks so bad, why haven't we all been running os/2 for the last what, 4 or 5 years that it's been out? i don't like windows 95, because it's like the macintosh, and that interface really bites < Quarex > yep but it's good for people who don't have time to learn an o/s to use their computer < Quarex > and as long as more people use computers, it's better overall. Except for the censorship stuff. i don't like unix because it's too damn technical. it's for people who have ALL DAY to learn their computer so dos is pretty much perfect the only thing i'd like better than dos for an os would be either a talking head, ie max headroom or IBM's talking AI experiments, or a DOS with a learning artificial intelligence program built in < Quarex > eeheheh i'm thinking about writing something like the latter.. it's really quite simple.. just sits on top of dos and learns your habits etc so you can tell it for example < Quarex > MaelDos Bill's phone is 908-555-5555 and it'll record that and you can tell it 'to dial the phone, you tell the modem on Com 2 "atdt number"' and then later i can go to the os 'call bill' and it'll dial his number it's all simply done with lists < Quarex > so simple, yet effective and it's very easy to do today. unfortunately lately everyone's been too concerned with voice and handwriting recognition that we've put aside trying to make a computer 'think' on it's own at all < Quarex > And voice & handwriting recognition is basically just going back to before computers were around anyway, so what the hell is the point? i think we're probably a long way from having a computer that can really think, simply because it's not something people want too much if we could teach a computer how to learn, it could presumably teach itself to recognize handwriting =) or talk, etc. just like a child does < Quarex > Probably. Shit, I have to get up at 10. . um. . unless you really wanted to do the interview, I should be going soon :) wimp =) < Quarex > makes sense, if a computer could learn then it would also learn english and handwriting etc. :) get up at 10 for what? < Quarex > hehe. . well, getting up at 10 means I have to BE at play practice at 10. . so I have to get up even earlier :) play practice? < Quarex > summer musical baby if it's only play practice, then it's not important. if it were REAL practice, it would be important =) isn't 'play practice' kind of an oxymoron? =) < Quarex > haha. . well fine, I'll stick around a while :) < Quarex > haha. I suppose it is :) that's sort of like 'pretend simulation' hehe < Quarex > "pseudo-faux" hahaha have you seen any good movies lately? < Quarex > um outbreak was okay yeah i never did get to see that < Quarex > and the one dude in it looked just like jax from mortal kombat 3 i really want to see Johnny Mnemonic. i was reading the screenplay in the bookstore today hahaha cool < Quarex > I've heard mostly that it sucked but some people liked it. . < Quarex > what do those rec.arts.movies people know, anyway. i suspect i'll like it, but i figured most people would hate it < Quarex > kinda like me & cabin boy really, i don't know how gibson's BOOKS got so popular, because most people don't really like that sort of thing < Quarex > it's a trendy thing ;> perhaps it's because of people like billy idol, who sit there and claim they're inspired by gibson's books, and then admit they didn't read the whole thing =) < Quarex > haha. . cyberpunk cabin boy was pretty cool i loved david letterman's cameo =_) < Quarex > yeah. . the monkey thing. hehe i heard he's given up smoking cigars now and he only eats one meal a day to keep his weight down! < Quarex > good for dave that would bite i eat like, 4 meals a day =) what is a quarex anyway? < Quarex > hmmmmm. . that's like what I do. . I just eat two, but mainly cuz I get up at 12 pm half the time, eat lunch, eat dinner at 7 and then go to sleep about 4 am < Quarex > it's a creature that's unlucky among females of its species ;> oh, btw what play are you in this summer? < Quarex > THE SECRET GARDEN!! < Quarex > WHEEEEEEE! hehehe with YOUR hair? !! =) < Quarex > hahaha wow < Quarex > well, ya know, we can like put a bald wig on me and then pseudo-faux hair :) haha oh man that's a picture picture < Quarex > I think I'll load up improces and take all my hair off :> hmm let's start the interview before you do that =) < Quarex > they hould start off every interview with the question "So, was necros YOUR biggest influence?" < Quarex > hehe < Quarex > okay i don't have any questions here or anything so it's all adlib < Quarex > it's probably better that way or something =) < Quarex > hehe not creative labs crap =) < Quarex > hahah (now it sorta really begins) ========================================= da quarex innaview < Quarex > ====================================== ========================================= < Quarex > ========= haha dork =) < Quarex > hahaha ok, so dork umm who are you, what groups are you in, and what's your claim to fame? < Quarex > Okay. I'm Quarex. My real name is supposedly Drew Hunt, I'm in Kosmic, Epinicion, and TFX, which is my own group that's existed since the beginning of time. My claim to fame is, of course, PORK.MOD, the most overplayed humourous song in history. I also converted the love of my life into an .mtm and she got ****+ in o1. ummm how EXACTLY did you convert the love of your life into an MTM? < Quarex > Well, I just kind of sat down one day and started tracking a song, then I thought it'd be funny to kill her and shove her into my disk drive. Actually, I was thinking of a good name for the song, and a friend of mine suggested I name it after someone I knew, and her name was the first one that came to my mind. I submitted it to CCI with a different title, but that never worked out, so I re-released it earlier this year with its original title. groovacious.. and so that the listeners know where to get this hit... umm, where can we get it? < Quarex > I think my last defiance musicdisk D-HMTRCH {Hamsterchant} is still available on cdrom.com, and the disk includes that song as well as many others. Run-on sentence time. there's been alot of namecalling and flame wars in the 'Music Scene' lately, along with a big plagarism thing and other problems. How do you feel about all the negativity that seems to be coming out now? < Quarex > Oh. Well, although I am guilty of some of this myself, I would prefer that everyone just treated other musicians with as much respect as they'd want themselves. There are exceptions however, such as when nitewynd continually rips songs, comes back, asks for forgiveness, then rips more songs. . I'm not sure he deserves forgiveness. Muzikman, the other noteworthy case in recent months, is almost the same deal. However, if he never rips again, I see no reason to continue negative feelings towards him. Can't we all just get along? :) hehe, that's a question that's been scoffed at too much lately. alot of the more established tracker musicians don't seem too 'welcoming' towards guys who are just getting started or not quite up to some ***** o1/w level of brilliance or whatever. i've had alot of problems with this, because i think we should never forget that we all sucked really bad at one time or another, but on the other hand i don't think groups need to have some kind of moronic affirmative action, letting in some less talented people just to say they're not biased. some people have incidentally accused me of this kind of thing lately, with some less known people, including yourself =), joining kosmic. how do you deal with, and feel about, the 'lamers', or beginners? < Quarex > Well, it's a very good question. I think the most obvious answer is that, as you pointed out, everyone sucked at one point in time. If they didn't (in the words of psibelius, I believe), "then they're a prodigy, and what are they doing making .mods in the first place?". The affirmative action comment is difficult to answer, but not too difficult. I think either some amount of skill or originality should have to be shown before admission into a group, not just the fact that you're doing your best. I'm probably being slightly hypocritical there, but when I realized I couldn't write anything awesome, I did pork, and that got some results. Now, my OWN talent level is a subject I have little difficulty speaking about =). . I've never claimed to be able to write music in the same styles as any of the popular composers, or at least to do it better, but I think I'm good at what I do, which is making avant-garde music, with the occasional normal song thrown in for good measure. I think that's worth something, and anyone who thinks otherwise is free to feel that way. But please, don't claim that people with strange ideas have no talent. I don't think anyone is completely without talent. Quite true. I think alot of people confuse their own judgement, based upon their own musical preferences, with the actual skill of composers. There are some guys out there who are really talented, but whose music I quite frankly hate. :) If everyone wrote the same styles of music as the most popular composers, it's pretty safe to say music would go nowhere fast. What kinds of music do you listen to most of the time? < Quarex > Well, I usually sum up my entire musical library as simply as possible. But if I were to be totally honest, I'd say that I have about 200 tapes & cds. Among these are roughly 50% metal, with a good deal of death metal. I've always been a big Michael Jackson fan for some reason, so there's a few mixed in as well. I also find myself very partial to They Might Be Giants, Weird Al, and Spinal Tap. After you get through all of this, most of what's left is stuff like Moody Blues, Urge Overkill, or some nice a-ha (I've got three a-ha CDs! Bet you didn't know they made more than one!) < Quarex > This question didn't ask specifically about mods, so I'll wait for that one to mention my mod taste :> hehe, nope, didn't know that about a-ha =) For someone who listens to alot of death metal you seem to be a really positive person, something that quite frankly is not typical of the metal and especially death metal fans i've met. Any particular reason? < Quarex > I've often wondered about this myself. When people meet me, they would never expect that I go home and listen to lyrics about ripping people to shreds. I am also not psychologically disturbed in any way, which makes it even more peculiar. I think the most applicable quote on this would be Justin Broadrick (the frontman for Godflesh)'s marvelous saying, "Listening to Powerful music makes me feel Powerful". It's not so much a hatred or evil thing as it is getting the feeling that I should go out and make something of my life. I find the band ManOwaR especially inspirational, as all of their songs are either totally symbolic for overcoming odds, or actually about going to taverns and riding horses all over europe. Also, I was raised in what everyone (including myself) considers to be a good home environment, so I had no doubts about my outlook. Being positive was stressed almost as much as drinking milk :) Who/what are the influences upon your own music? This question often gets confused with "Who are your FAVORITE MUSICIANS", but that's not what i mean :) < Quarex > Hehe. I often think about that. My favorite musicians might influence me in a way, but my actual inspirations are a different group altogether. Whenever I sit down and write metal, I'm probably influenced the most by carcass, which is best described as a mix between metallica and orchestral music (mainly in the fact that carcass actually has real melody). However, most of the time I take my inspiration from other modwriters, because I don't exactly attempt to write realistic-sounding music. My biggest single influences were War Pig and Sketch, who basically gave me the groundwork for the kind of music I felt like writing. Oddly enough, I was more interested in tracking after I heard your song "The Bugz Deal", because at the time I thought you were in the actual MTV-band The KLF, and that if they could track music like that and then do the stuff I heard on the radio, then I could write good stuff too :>. . after I really got into mods, I heard gobs of good things from lizardking, and it kind of made me change my way of thinking about music for a while when I realized stuff that he wrote was possible in four channels. :) < Quarex > when I write lyrics, my biggest influence is every death metal band with really pointless lyrics that are the same as most other death metal, and I parody them. ok, so NOW, who are you favorite 'tracker-musicians' AND what are your favorite tracker songs? < Quarex > My favorite tracker stuff. Well, my favorite tracker musicians are War Pig, Lizardking, Stalker, Capricorn, Ranger Rick pre-Defiance, and probably Maelcum, because it's hard not to like most of what you put out :). . favorite songs. . hmmmm. . Some of my favorite songs are old amiga 4-channelers, like Dungeonquest, Labyrint-sfx, Monstrous, Jolie Bedouine, and The Last Sun. More recently, though, there have been a few great songs. "The Dawn" by Dark Wolf is really standout. So are songs like "Crystal Gate" by Ranger Rick, "Persian Starfall" by Scirocco, and a couple of Liam the Lemming songs whose names escape me now :) Do you play any "real instruments" and/or have you ever been in a band? < Quarex > I played percussion for my school band for 6 years until I finally quit, due to my hatred of marching. I've also dabbled quite a bit in keyboards over the years, my drum teacher knew that I seemed to enjoy making up melody more than rhythm, so he kind of forced me to learn the marimba. I don't really regret any of that, because now, although my keyboarding skills are pretty poor, I can still play faster than 99% of the people I know, which is kind of worthless but fun. I am currently in a space-rock band called VUG (with an umlaut over the U), and among our first few songs is a cover of the amiga .mod "Xenophobe". We create publicity for ourselves by recruiting everyone we can find and kicking them out. Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue also nearly joined us at one point, but he just had to be a spoilsport and say "haha you guys are dumb". :) hahah Hmm... ummmmm < Quarex > something about my personal life * Maelcum_ is at a temporary loss of brain hehe < Quarex > heheh So, tell us about your personal life! Any hobbies? < Quarex > My personal life began about 16 years ago on a dark & stormy night. . oh, okay hobbies. I like reading a lot, fiddling with my computer, being a mall rat on occasion, and mostly hanging out with as many different social groups as I possibly can. I've been in love with my best friend for quite some time now, and it sucks :) What kind of books do you like to read? < Quarex > I got into books for the first time when I was forced to go to Arizona (away from my precious Atari 800XL) when I was 8. I was handed the chronicles of Narnia, and it kind of snowballed from there. I read heavily in the whole AD&D Forgotten realms thing for a while, but that eventually got boring, because I read the most exciting novels first. I read things like 1984 and Martian Dreams once in a while now, anything considered a classic that I feel the need to pick up. I was going to read Animal Farm again, but I decided that alt.sex.fetish.tim.horton's.donuts was a more interesting source of material. phear Tim Horton's muffins at naid too =) < Quarex > :) Are you entering MC3? < Quarex > Yes, I am entering MC3. I'm hoping this year they'll just discriminate against me based on my music, not who I am ;> hahha i've had that problem before a bit :) So what are your future plans in music? < Quarex > I'm going to embark on a world tour with my band some day. Or, maybe not. But in any case, I'll write mods until I get a girlfriend, have my computer blow up, or die. Since none of those things are going to happen in the forseeable future, I'll be making mods for a long time now :) Don't you think you'll die when you're 80 or 90? < Quarex > No. I plan on living forever. < Quarex > :) ah, i see. Well, lest this become some Freudian nightmare, let us close. Here comes the ultimate cliche "Any Last Words?" < Quarex > WOOOO HOOOOO! Well, I'll just say hi to all the kosmic, epinicion, and TFX dudes out there. . that just about covers everyone I could possibly want to greet. I guess, since it's also cliche, I'll say hi to Necros! ;> And always remember the two best quotes I've ever made up: "Don't just float through life, throw someone overboard." & "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, write a book." ... umm, aren't you the only person IN TFX? oh well, nevermind! =) < Quarex > haha :) ============================================= das ende < Quarex > w00p ============================================= < Quarex > ================ < Quarex > ============================= < Quarex > ====== < Quarex > hahaha haha stop it meathead! hehe stop < Quarex > wheeeee dork! < Quarex > that's one big irc log i'll put this in the interview =) are you still logging? < Quarex > yep heheh this is KEWL! huhuhu huhuhuhu < Quarex > 29k and still going we can say WHATEVER WE WANT and they have to print it! ahahah < Quarex > and then another 3k in stuff before the interview ummm < Quarex > KILL YOUR DOG FOR ODIN PEOPLE ARE STUPID WHO SAY BAYGLE AND PHEAR AND STUFF! < Quarex > LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE HAVING SEX ummm yeah * Maelcum_ is a celibate * Quarex will end up being a celibate :) ask not what your porkupine can do for you! < Quarex > ask what you can do for your porkupine! just stay the fuck away from the porkupine!!! leave wild animals wild and stuff < Quarex > NO! PUT THE PORKUPINE! umm, "SAVE THE WHALES" "KILL THE HUMANS" < Quarex > YEAH! KILL THE HUMANS! "WHAT ABOUT THE DOGS?" < Quarex > LET THE DOGS RUN FREE! "KILL THEM TOO, THEY DON'T GET ALONG WITH WHALES" < Quarex > THE CAMEL STALKS AT MIDNIGHT if humans didn't kill whales, dogs would < Quarex > If dogs didn't whale humans, . . there'd be like, eskimo dog whale hunters < Quarex > Shit. My dad just yelled at me to go to bed :) i mean, not eskimos who hunt dog whales hmm < Quarex > err.. SUGAR tell him you just woke up * Quarex quickly goes and censors his speech < Quarex > oddly enough, I *DID* :) hahahha < Quarex > "Yeah, I got up and came down here a little while ago. . I'll go back to bed soon" that's one from the school of maelcum excuses for staying up all night < Quarex > :) < Quarex > I can't believe I've only tried that once in these 16 odd years. we should probably end the log now =) < Quarex > Probably. :) ... and so it ends, and you find yourself slowly drifting away from the shore in a small wooden boat. The ghosts of Famous Trackers Who Went Before stand, sit, and lounge around on the dock, which is now fading from view. Consider yourself lucky, for you have glimpsed the afterworld, but your time is not yet come. Though if you did not enjoy the trip, you might as well off yourself now, you boring lamer. - Maelcum, keeper of lost trax. /--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------[ Trax Culture ]-------------------------------/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- T R A X _____ __ __ __ _______ __ __ ______ _____ ______________/ __/\/ /\/ // //__ __// /\/ /\/ ____/\ / __/_____________ /_____________/ /__\/ /_/ // /_\ / /\_/ /_/ / / _ \_\// __/_____________/\ \____________/_____//_____//____//_/ //_____/ /__\___/\/____/\_____________\/ \_____\\_____\\____\\_\/ \_____\/\___\__\/\____\/ww A tribute to Enchanter: * Roland has returned. LET'S KILL ENCHANTER! LET'S KILL ROLAND Enchanter suqs. Why is that senile bot still here? *** psibelius has joined #trax Island of Psibelius [The Mother Teresa of the Music Scene] roland: he's our bot. =) LET'S SMACK WATCHMAN WITH A SACK OF DEAD DJIBOUTIAN RATS :) * popcorn slam dunks Roland in a tin of 2 years old tasty surstr÷mming psi: He needs rewriting HEY! WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST DEAD DJIBOUTIAN RATS? :) roland: he works. most of the time. =) someone topic that. :) karl: so that's your problem, eh? :) Someone topic ior's thing up there *** Enchanter changes topic to " HEY! WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST DEAD DJIBOUTIAN RATS?" Ah. :) hehehe phuck. It's The Dave Mathews band for the billionth time time for some pingomaticz Better than that stupid song "More Human Than Human" that I've heard about 50 billion times in the last 30 minutes. :) ior: "On Bended Knee." =) If I hear that song again I'll puke. The senile bot is lagged more than anyone. :) psi: AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! SHADDAP! PLEASE! AH! :) besides that me exGF loved it, don't ask me why More human than hu-man ... more human than hu-man. Y'know, I guess enchy isn't that bad. He's just anal and needs writing You dare insult me? enchanter stinks like rat poo anal. senile. needs rewriting darn skippy I dare insult you. I am Nicoderius emmalitififus Enchanter the XVI! EYE AM NAWT PENILE- Errrr ... SENILE! =) haw haw hehe 16th in the line of the mightiest reign of IRC bots on IRC! Whoops. The 12th just died. I'm the 15th in line now. * Roland threatens Enchy with his sack of dead djiboutian ratz I am the son of God. One of 15 anyways. haw haw! right yew are fool WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST DEAD DJIBOUTIAN RATS, ANYWAY? I'm on Ior's side with this! Enchy: I have NOTHING against them! They make great weapons! why, Enchanter would get burnt for heresy if this was the inquisition * karl-foo is now armed with Pillow Fighter Version 3.0! I hate dumbasses that think I can actually respond. I'm a fucking bot, damnit. Don't you dare insult Dead Djiboutian Rats like that! * karl-foo sneaks up quietly behind enchanter karl: NOOOOO!!!!! Oh god no. * karl-foo SLAMS enchanter with a majik rat!! karl: NOT THAT SCRIPT! not PillowFighter v3.0 again * psibelius dives for cover. * karl-foo grabs a Super Rat. * karl-foo hits enchanter with tremedous force. karl: Don't make me hurt you ... ah shit. hehehe psi :) Enchanter: you kan too respond!!! slams karl-foo with his mighty foot *** karl-foo was kicked from #trax by Enchanter *** karl-foo (karl@ has joined #trax * Roland runz for it whilst he still kan what wuz that for? [BITCH CANNON] - ENABLED uh oh jeez don't need to kikk me foolz * Roland dives for kover * Watchman hits karl-foo & enchanter with a good old new york city sewer rat - one the size of a St. Bernard [TRACKING MODE] - ENGAGED Enchy! keep your cannon private! [TARGET SELECTED] * Roland dodges * karl-foo yanks out a bladder-filled rat. * karl-foo blasts enchanter with it! *** Roland was kicked from #trax by Enchanter (You can not avoid it.) *** Roland (~cwalker@REX.RE.UOKHSC.EDU) has joined #trax [FINALIZING TARGET SEQUENCE] * Watchman says "God your all crazy... I'm leaving *** Watchman has quit IRC (Leaving) haw haw! heh * karl-foo yells RAT!!! * karl-foo jumps down in front of enchanter! * karl-foo slams enchanter really hard with a portoogeze rat. * Enchanter [TARGET LOCKED] * Roland loads his DDR Cannon [COMMENCE FIRING] *** karl-foo was kicked from #trax by Enchanter (FIRE) *** karl-foo (karl@ has joined #trax * Roland 's DDR cannon seeks in on the Senile Bot FIRE! * karl-foo turns a bag of ratz toward enchanter, * karl-foo *THWAXX* enchanter with a big pouch of dead portoogeze ratz. Dead Djiboutian Ratz nail Enchy in the face * karl-foo grabs a Super Rat. * karl-foo hits enchanter with tremedous force. volleyz of DDR's are nailing Enchy * Czar is away - Stroking his di...cat that is. - DR after DDR * karl-foo grabs a big rat ear pouch. * karl-foo casts a rat flight spell * karl-foo nails enchanter on the way down. *** karl-foo was kicked from #trax by ior (SHADDAPO!) *** karl-foo (karl@ has joined #trax hehe hehheh I am Star Colonel Enchanter of the Jade Falcon Clan. jeez... chill out ior :) He is Enchanter McDumb of the Clan McDumb He is... THE IMMORTAL! THE HIGHLANDER!!!! i give up... if da portoogeze ratz don't get im, i dunno what will dum dum dum dum dum da da dum!!!! try the djibootan ratz again [HYPERBITCH ENABLED] Hello. My name is Enchanter Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Perisoft vs Enchanter: perisoft: Shut up about SV already! loser-- I can't help what my brain tellz me, so I might as well enjoy it =) *** Enchanter sets mode: -o PeriSoft hey! *** Enchanter sets mode: -o PeriSoft *** Enchanter sets mode: -o PeriSoft hahaha eerrr hehe damn what did I do? :> uhm thrice is enough I think i don't know.. *** Enchanter sets mode: -o PeriSoft nope uummmm ung OK, we get the idea :) uhm is right Hm wierd vell.. to heel veth dees. I eem outa heeah *** PeriSoft has quit IRC (--"sv"-- so sue me :)) Floss vs Greyhound *** floss (norg@case.cyberspace.com) has joined #trax i don't believe this floss!! 60 FUCKING DAYS FOR GREYHOUND TO FIND MY SHIT i can't track for another fucking 60 days floss: DAMN floss: kill those bitches FUCK FUCK FUCK floss: oh well. =) i got 2nd place at socal tho whee joy FUCK GREYFHOUND i'm hgonna kill someone *** floss has quit IRC (Leaving) lp: Tell me what happened to floss pop: on the way to socal.. greyhound buses lost his computer lpeg: HhahAHAHAahHAhahahahahHAHahahhahah pop: and it will take them 60 days til they track it down for him pop: NOT funny, for him. pop: of course, one man's comedy is another's pain lpeg: If it was my computer, I'd want to kill someone too lpeg: What's he using now? pop: nothing, i guess er i guess he MUSTVE to get on irc heh i dunno.. may be he's at radio shack? :) lpeg: hahahahhahaahah hmm i must go find warez be back latr *** lpegasus (lpegasus@netcom20.netcom.com) has left #trax [A day later] *** Now talking in #trax *** rpenguin sets mode: +o popcorn *** NStrike sets mode: +o popcorn *** Sorceress sets mode: +o popcorn *** _Axl sets mode: +o popcorn Pop Hey *** floss (norg@case.cyberspace.com) has joined #trax *** Sorceress sets mode: +o floss island of floss [the don duck of the music scene] [still not an atomic baygle] floss: did you get your computer back? popcorn: No, the bastards said it would take 60 days to do the trace, I'm leaving to fill out the forms now... floss: Kill them. vawzza feenix - i need a top 10 reasons why floss should kill greyhound and everything it represents feenix - 1-10 being THEY LOST FLOSS'S COMPUTER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ Epinicion Column]-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ _______ _____________ ______ ______ _______ ______ _______ ___________ | // \\ \\_____) \\_____) \\_____) \\ \\ | : / o \ o \ \ \ \ \ \ o \ \: // _____// / \ : / \ _____/ \ / : \. \\_______/ _//______\\_|__//______\\_____//______\\_____//____| /: : \\____\\ ______________________________ oT /___//| |________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________| Aradia releases "Forgetting Me" [S3M]. Epinicion's next music disk will be featured in September, please send in your submissions! Guests wishing to release with Epinicion are also encouraged to donate! Most of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found at kosmic.wit.com in /kosmic/epinicion. The Web page has again moved due to account problems back to http://www.csusm.edu/public/guests/gwie/epi.html. We have a completely BRAND NEW PAGE with new links, new graphics, and new style. Please check it out! To those thinking of joining Epinicion, or wanting to know more about our philosophy: You need not be great to join Epinicion. You need only to aspire to be great. I quote from "Synners," a novel by P. Cadigan: "We do what we do and we do it because we can." Damn straight. If you are a dedicated person striving to become better, then email us. And join us. We're here for YOU, the musician. So if you think you have what it takes, don't bother waiting. Join Epinicion NOW. Psibelius (Gene Wie) Epinicion Founder gwie@owl.csusm.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[ Distribution Sites ]----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBS System Name Country/State Phone Number System Operator |---------------------|---------------|------------------|------------------| Mindflux Australia +61-2-416-2513 Force Format Velvet Demosite Belgium +32-3-3851594 Sleeping Dog AltConn BBS Brazil +55-11-816-2031 Herman Fuchs Hack / Ploddt Canada 902-625-5920 Popcorn Beats per Minute Canada 418-660-8137 Populus Our World Canada 416-740-4346 b0b Cyber Web Italy +39-331-310641 ArachniD TH Rijswijk BBS Netherlands +31-70-3401534 Raymond Dijkxhoorn The Digital Dream New Zealand +64-7-856-1376 Black Friday MultiMedia GS Singapore +65-252-1220 Lee Teck Chee The Portal Sweden +46-26-196363 Coyote & Cyanid Sound & Vision U.K. +44-181-288-8444 Rob Barth Aethelwulf Utopia United States 309-862-4918 Quarex Synthetic Amusement United States 410-795-8526 Sirrus |-------------------|---------------|------------------|--------------------| * Distribution Site Applications are not being accepted at this time. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info]------------------------------------------------- TraxWeekly is on the World Wide Web! Officially, the sites are: http://www.partek.fi/traxweek AND http://kosmic.wit.com/~kosmic/traxweek Partek is in Finland and Kosmic is in the US. So, choose the server nearest to you for the fastest connection. This page is maintained by Dragunov. TraxWeekly subscriptions are available, and can be requested in this matter: Send mail to: listserver@oliver.sun.ac.za And put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [your real name] If you want to unsubscribe to the list, mail the same address and write: unsubscribe trax-weekly TraxWeekly is also available on ftp.cdrom.com: /pub/demos/incoming/news/ for the most recently uploaded version, or /pub/demos/news/traxw/ for all of the back issues. /---------------------------------[ End ]------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ . :: ::: : . ..... ..............................:::.................:.... ::: : :::: : .::::. .:::::.:::. ..:::: :::: : :: :: ::: .:: :: :: WW:::: : ::. :: ::: .:: :: .:: :::: : :::.::. ::: .:: .:: .:::::... :: :::.. ... ..: ... ..:::::::::::::::: .:: .::::::: :::::::: ::::::.. ::: ::: ::: : until next week! (= .. ... .. ....... ............... .................:..... .. . :