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ps: woa, a rendered askee!
| TraxWeekly Issue: #25 | Release date: 09-11-95 | Current subscribers: 316 |
------------------------------[ Introduction ]------------------------------/
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/_\ \__ / (stoney askee)
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/___________\__\_______\________\____|______\____________\ \__\
First off, I'd like to apoligize for not having this mag out on Thursday,
I was hoping so much to get it out on time but it's kind of hard from the
operating room in a hospital.
I found out I had appendisitis and the appendix had to go, I'm still in a
lot of pain, but I want you to have this special issue of TraxWeekly.
Remember that you are welcome to contribute to TraxWeekly at any time.
- Popcorn [campbell@fox.nstn.ca]
------------------------------[ Contents ]---------------------------------/
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Letters / Comments
General Articles
Unwarranted Scene Criticism................Psibelius
TraxWeekly Silver..........................Psibelius
Ripping. Who Cares?........................Psibelius
Loops and Extended Samples.................Zapper
Truth, or bullshit.........................Maelcum
Group Columns
Distribution Sites..........................Neurosis
TraxWeekly Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info.........TraxWeekly Staff
Group Members...............................TraxWeekly Staff
_ _ _ __ ___ _
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From: dmw@gate.net
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 1995 23:17:43 -0400
To: campbell@fox.nstn.ca
Subject: Looking for Music disk
In my quest to complete the FREEDOM CD I've been searching for the music disk
"3rd punk" by Cybelius. The same guy who did Difference 1,2 and equality.
I tried to get hoplite to upload it but did not pan out, seems he has
some problems. I know it is on some boards in finland....here?
If either of you have this or know where I can get it please let me know.
I'd like to have it by tomorrow night to include on the CD as I will
be wrapping the data portion of the CD up then.
Welp, gotta go.....i'm breaking down....
BTW, if there is anything you'd really like to see on the CD (or taken off)
--/demos/incoming/freedom/dir_list_update Let me know by tomorrow.
A lot of FM stuff and music disks are on the CD...
----------------------------[ General Articles ]----------------------------/
...---===[ Unwarranted Scene Criticism ]===---...
I've had the wonderful opportunity to sit back, watch, and read the
massive distribution of opinions these last few weeks (thanks to a job and
school that sucked up 99% of my regular IRCing time) and my head is still
spinning. In any case, I'd like to address a few points that have been
mentioned all too many times...
...the first being the one about musical styles. "Too many people
are composing mellow stuff." "Techno sucks." "No one has any kind of
individuality anymore." "People use too many channels." "There's not
enough variety in the music scene." What the hell is all this bs? People
will write whatever they feel like, and if you don't happen to like it,
tough beans. Musicians already have enough problems trying to compose as
it is without a bunch of mindless critics trying to force them to conform
to some kind of "ideal" style. In short, we will compose anything we damn
feel like, so blow me. And for those people claiming there isn't enough
variety: Get your head out from between your ass and start looking around
for chrissake...
Last week in TraxWeekly, I do recall someone complaining about all
the people trying to do their "own spin of Second Reality." Those kinds of
comments really piss me off. Let's get it straight here and now, just
because the Second Reality opening by Skaven is classical-ish, that does
not mean that every goddamn composer that writes in an orchestral style is
trying to copy Skaven! Believe it or not, the great almighty Peter Hajba
is a human being like all of us, who just happens to have lots of creative
energy and is able to transfer that to mod format. More power to him.
The fact is, an orchestral mod cannot be immediately defined as a Skaven
song wannabe. That is a shallow and biased assumption.
"Composers should write tunes that chauffeurs and errand
boys can whistle....That which penetrates the ear with
facility and quits the memory with difficulty."
-Sir Thomas Beecham
The second point is about group leaders. A group leader has one
function: to keep the group together and focusing on a common goal. I
can see a number of group leaders acting like their position gives them
some kind of god given right to criticize, bash, flame, etc. anyone that
happens to disagree with their point of view. Well guess what? Being a
group leader doesn't give you power over other people. It represents the
trust that your members have in you to lead them collectively. My point
being, I couldn't care less how great you think you are as the head of
a group. The opinions your members have of you are what determine whether
you are a good respected leader or not.
Finally, stop criticizing. I guess that sounds kind of ironic, seeing
as the entire content of my article here is focused around criticizing, but
the sooner we stop trying to ferret out every little fuzzed up detail and
start working together as a whole, is when our lot improves. So Skaven's
winning ASM'95 entry is unfinished. Maybe it is annoying. Maybe it
shouldn't have won. Big woop. It always turns out all 3000+ voters are
wrong and some so-and-so person who didn't even place claims the results
are incorrect. The fact remains that is was really entertaining the first
time around. So it won. Not much a surprise. It's like a book. If the
first chapter really sucks, or is really boring, don't count on the reader
going to chapter two. Same in music. At the compo, the song that turns
heads is what people will remember.
We determine our own fates, and if you rely on the failures of others for
your success, then you will lead a very sorry life.
"It is the province of knowledge to speak and it is
the privilege of wisdom to listen."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes
And many thanks to Peter Hajba (Skaven). He serves many great
examples that have found their way into my article today. =)
Psibelius [TraxWeekly Columnist]
--[ TraxWeekly Silver]------------------------------------------------------
Congratulations people, we've made it to TraxWeeky's 25th anniversary.
For 25 weeks we've been annoying people with this haphazard collection of
music scene ramblings and paraphanelia. And we're damn proud of it. =)
September rolls around again, and another academic year begins for
a lot of us. It's amazing how fast the scene changes. I remember starting
modeming back in September of 1993. When I wanted to be an ansi artist.
When I wanted to be 'cool' like all the guys I saw in acid and ice and so
forth (hey, I was a newbie, what did I know?).
Whenever we start complaining about the demo scene or the music scene,
just stop to think about what the people in the ansi scene have it like.
A number of those people are really cool (re's to pinion, floodmyth, fu),
and they have to deal with the reputation of a large mass of what we coin
as "lamers." Just hop into #ansi and see what it's like. It really sucks.
Be thankful that #trax hasn't degenerated into that stage.
I'd like to say "thank you" to all the people that have joined the
TraxWeekly staff. It certainly lightens the load for some of us. It's
nice to not be the only columnist anymore. =)
Have a great day.
Psibelius [TraxWeekly Columnist]
--[ Ripping: Who Cares? ]---------------------------------------------------
Wow. So some annoying newbie has managed somehow to convince you to
take their new song and listen to it. You plop the s3m into cubic player
and you are greeted with a song that is fairly original...but wait! What's
THAT?!? A Second Reality sample and a Necros sample??? OH NO! The world
is coming to an end!!! NOT.
This stupid controversy around ripping samples is a waste of time.
Let me explain. What we have come to know as "Second Reality" samples are
only defined as such because they come from 2nd_skav.s3m or 2nd_pm.s3m.
Has anyone even thought to wonder where the heck the gods of FC music got
them? One complaint that seems to be noted often is the overuse of the
marcato strings sample from 2nd_skav.s3m. Well, pull it out using your
trusty sample ripper (I recommend GetSamps v2.42 by Zab[Hardcode]), and
compare it to one of the GUS midi patches called 'marcato.pat.' If you use
a tracker that can import both of those samples, you will see that they are
virtually IDENTICAL; if not just by size, then by sound.
If you have been into the music scene for quite awhile, you will
notice that eventually, everyone's going to run into the same samples.
Good, usable, samples are difficult to make (if you don't believe me, then
go and try. And I mean GOOD samples. No clicks, loop easily, correct
pitch, and volume). So why go to the trouble of sampling yet ANOTHER piano
when there are already hundreds of good piano samples already out there?
There really isn't, unless you need something specific.
My point? Too many people these days spend their entire existence
looking for and writing about sample ripping. The basic rule is, don't use
an individualized sample that is specific to a certain song. Just as you
wouldn't rip lyrics from another song to put in yours, you wouldn't take
the saxaphone samples from Necros' "The Grey Note," because those samples
aren't single note. Those are specific melody lines that fit the song.
And remember that it is not the specific samples that make a song, but how
different samples are woven together to create a new musical picture.
It is perfectly fine to rip samples, as long as the creator of that
sample is credited. A lot of times, that won't be possible, because the
person whose song you took the sample from may not be the one that created
that particular sample. If you don't know, then don't bother. Because
it's pretty likely no one else does either. But if a musician states that
he does not wish his own, self-made samples to be re-used, then we must
respect that. Ripping an entire sample set out of a song merely allows you
to write something that's completely influenced by that one song. Combine
samples from many different songs to achieve your own individual feel.
That's how sample ripping works.
A song can be good or bad when judged by its entirety. Even the best
song is nothing when broken down into 9999999999 individual parts. Is this
how we should listen to music? I think not.
Psibelius [TraxWeekly Columnist]
-[ Loops And Extended Samples ]---------------------------------------------
Loops And Extended Samples - The Zapper! / Force Ten
Hello to you, all musicians and trackers.
Okay, I would like to discuss about those longs samples/loops.
Everybody knows it: I'm a *BIG* user of those. The main reason: to get
some descent guitar riffs and sometimes drum loops. Let's get started!
Loops seems to be "unaccepted" by several trackers/musicians on the
scene for different reasons. For me, it's a good way to "fill" a song. It
adds texture, presence and some kind of "feel" to (my) music. I use many
loop sources: sometimes I play/sample my own guitar loops and sometimes I
sample those from some CDs. So, why loops and extended samples would be
permitted in music such as Rap, Techno, Dance, Etc, Etc, and not in "my"
style of music? Think about it...
Anyhow, that's not the whole point of this little writting, They are
many "loop admirers" too (God Thanks!) hehehe. I wanna share some tricks
with you, if you care to read this! =) Take note that it's mainly for
guitar loops, which I do most, but it can apply as drum/bass loops as well.
First: Try to use some "rare" things, not that everyday radio song, if
you know what I mean. I think it's better if people can't tell where you
grabbed your loops. If you are a guitar player or you know someone who
play the strings, prepare yourself for a little more work, but the good
thing is that all of your future song is gonna be original. If you're
sampling from a CD, try to locate isolated riffs. It will give you a lot
more freedom when you're gonna be tracking with it.
Once you found that super guitar loop, sample it. If you're sampling
from a guitar (not from a CD or anything else) Here's my few tricks: Use
Goldwave for Windows (or any other like CoolEdit). Next load some
sequencer program. Now, you ask: Why a sequencer? We're sampling here!
The sequencer will help us "timing" the riff. If you play without any
timing at all, the guitar is gonna sound very odd (not timed) in your
future S3M/MOD/XM. So set the sequencer's clicker to use the PC-Speaker,
then adjust the sequencer's tempo to your needs. Next, hit the "Record"
button and play your riff, try to stay timed to the clicker. I'm warning
you: It's a bit tough. Once, I played a riff at least 10 times before
getting it straight! (But i'm not a excellent player... So, you'll surely
do better!)
Okay, now that you have that perfect sample. Check it's length. If
it's longer than 64K well, you must split it! (Unless you're using FT2,
but even though, I recommend spliting it for some timing reasons that's
gonna be explained later in that text). So, a loop is easier to track and
time if it's splited at the up-beat. (I think you all knew that) So, find
your up-beat(s) and split your sample.
Once your done, load 'em into your favorite tracker program. Then
place a note at lines 00, 16, 32, 48 and 56. (or anywhere you want,
depending on the tempo/speed you want to use) This is to retrig your loop
every up-beat to make sure it's always synced/timed to your tune. Adjust
the tempo/speed to match the exact tempo of the loop. (That's why you used
a clicker if you sampled your own guitar riff. This is to make sure the
loop isn't odd/desynced) Next, on another track, put some bass drum or
something every 4 or 8 lines. Play the thing. It surely sounds weird
now... So, fine tune the tempo so that your bass drum fits with your loop.
Sometimes one of your loops can be too short or too long. If it's too
short, make a very tight loop and the end of the sample. If it's a bit
loop long, use a "SDx" command to delay the next sample or "Oxx" to offset
the beginning.
Try to be original. Your new song doesn't have to sound like the one
you grabbed your loop in. Sometimes it's hard not to stick to the original
song, but it is the whole point: Create a "NEW" piece of music. So be
For my conclusion, I'd like to say that it sounds maybe a bit easy
like that, but it needs practice to make it sound perfect. So, good Loop
Hunting and keep on making noise!
The Zapper! - Force Ten
Truth.. or Bullshit?
composed, i mean written, by Maelcum.
(a guy who has written more songs than there are grains of sand on a beach)
Today I'd like to spend some time addressing some things that are quite
frankly really bothering me about the direction "our 'scene'" seems to be
headed. I'll start off with my worries about ftp.cdrom.com, and the Hornet
"group" as a whole. I don't know quite what it is, perhaps the whole thing
has just gotten too big for it's own good. Every time I read a new issue of
DemoNews it seems someone has made another incredibly stupid decision.
Witness the latest one, from Demonews #100:
-=- begin quote -=-
_____Deleting Music
And now, a plan that will go in action very shortly. As the months ramble
on, we are constantly running out of space on the FTP site. To combat this
problem, we have decided to enforce a new policy.
Any song upload that does not receive a rating of *** or higher will be
deleted after one month.
As I can see it, the policy can work two ways, such as the flip of a coin.
You call it.
Heads: People will get pissed off that their songs are being deleted from the
FTP site. You lose.
-=- end quote -=-
This is true. *EVERYONE* will lose. Many good songs will be deleted
simply because of the whims of *FOUR PAIRS OF EARS* and their respective
-=- quote continues -=-
Tails: People will try to improve their music skills so that their songs can
be among the few that will be allowed to stay on the site. You win.
-=- end quote -=-
This is absolutely false. Nobody wins, period. What this policy ensures
is that the tastes of the masses are dictated by four people. This is the
same type of thing that has made the corporation-driven music industry such
a barren wasteland where many extremely talented artists are denied their
What will really happen is people will either 1) fuck this shit, and go
elsewhere, or 2) comprimise their artistic integrity just to please the
tastes of these 4 judges (which is easy enough to figure out just by
checking out the songs they rate highly).
Most artists will not have the luxury of the former choice, since most
people don't have their own FTP sites, and there really is no other tracker
music site which is open to all artists. _Yet._
-=- quote continued -=-
Our goal is to provide everyone with the best collection of demo-related
files that we can with our current quota. We hope that you will see this
change as a benefit to the entire site, because it will allow the site to
continue to serve its users for several more months.
-=- end of quote -=-
Quotas based on the subjective opinions of a governing minority are in
the best interest of absolutely no one. If there is a problem with space,
delete stuff that's older than two months, REGARDLESS of how good it is.
This way, you are at least being fair. Letting four people have such a
large say in what everyone else gets to listen to is nothing short of
Now on to a related item: the ratings themselves. Demonews' ratings are
so inconsistent and illogical that there is extremely little value to them.
For the purpose of illustration, witness some reviews of Kosmic music from
/songs/s3m/j-l/k_babylo.zip 165 ***+ Babylon by Phoenix/KFMF
/songs/s3m/j-l/k_mtime.zip 373 **+ Missing Time by Basehead/KFMF
/songs/s3m/j-l/k_plast.zip 188 *** Plastik Ganja by Zake/KFMF
/songs/s3m/j-l/k_slack2.zip 219 **+ World Wide Slack (remix) by Floss
/songs/s3m/j-l/k_wander.zip 257 **** Wanderlust by Leviathan/KFMF
Incidentally, the reason I'm illustrating using Kosmic releases is
because I simply haven't listened to enough of the other songs reviewed.
Anyway, the same person apparently reviews the j-l/ songs every week,
because these ratings are totally in line with how these styles are rated
in other issues. Here is my problem: taking into account the new policy,
two songs, which in _MY_ opinion are NOT the "worst" songs here, will be
deleted from hornet after 1 month, simply because this person didn't like
The ratings shown above make very little sense to me, except to tell me
that whoever did them has a grudge against dance music and likes
demo-muzaky style stuff (sorry lev =). Here are the ratings I, someone who
on the other hand likes dance music and doesn't care as much for
rock/demomuzak songs, would have given:
/songs/s3m/j-l/k_babylo.zip 165 *** Babylon by Phoenix/KFMF
/songs/s3m/j-l/k_mtime.zip 373 ***+ Missing Time by Basehead/KFMF
/songs/s3m/j-l/k_plast.zip 188 **** Plastik Ganja by Zake/KFMF
/songs/s3m/j-l/k_slack2.zip 219 ****+ World Wide Slack (remix) by Floss
/songs/s3m/j-l/k_wander.zip 257 ***+ Wanderlust by Leviathan/KFMF
Quite alot differnent as you can see. Which isn't to say that whoever did
the other ratings is wrong, or that I am right. We are BOTH right. It's
So the moral of the story is of course, ignore DemoNews, read Traxweekly
for the real scoop. The only kind of reviews that are useful at all are
ones like what Necros did last week in Traxweekly. And even those should
always be considered as somebody's opinion, and not a yay or nay as to
whether you should check something out. I've checked out some stuff before,
when people told me "oh, don't get that, it's shit" and loved it, and had
other things where people said "oh man, you gotta hear this!" that ended up
being total crap to my ears. Listen for yourself, don't let anyone else
control you.
- Maelcum
-[ TraxCulture]-------------------------------------------------------------
This week in TraxCulture, BASE VS. MAELCUM. This IRC capture was some
nights ago as a number of us were discussing gifs and stuff like that. =)
It was about the validity of some Alicia Silverstone pic or something like
that. Eventually, chaos erupted:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
maelcum, shut the fuck up for once
base: go eat your sardines
maelcum: you have twisted and warped senses of everything, you
actually have like no clue about 99% of the things you talk about.
you need to get out of the house.
base: go whack off in the corner you fool
Maelcum: fuck off.
oh well, keep having fun wanking off with your simulated
mael: as opposed to real snapshots?
diab: well, if you're gonna do it, it should at least be real =)
-[ Epinicion Column]--------------------------------------------------------
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: \\____\\ ______________________________ oT /___//|
|________________________// e p i n i c i o n \\________________|
New songs this week include "Water Flows" by Bert, which placed 45th in
The Music Contest 3, Veteran Division; and "Gambit Queen" by Zoner.
The September musicdisk needs songs. REPEAT: The September MusicDisk
needs songs. Thanks to the following for their current contributions:
Aradia, Dodger, Frankenstein, Ng Pei Sin, Red King, River, Zalt, and
Zoner. Members, please. We need some support to get this disk off the
ground. We can't afford to keep putting our projects off.
Most of Epinicion's 1995 releases can be found at kosmic.wit.com in
No, we don't have the homepage up yet. Server Problems. As Usual.
Psibelius (Gene Wie)
Epinicion Founder
. .:.........:.. ... . +
_:_______ : . + . .
\ /__:__ . . . + . .:::. .
\ / / . ... ... ````` ......
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. .:............ .. . ``````` .+ . .
: : +
... .... ...... a constellation of stars!
Kosmic News and Views for September 7th, 1995
What's new? well, I've done some maintenance work on the kosmic web site,
like changing the maillist info to the correct, new maillist info (yeah, i
know, about damn time!) and cleaning things up. The listing of 1995 music
releases is completely up to date with the exception that many of the songs
aren't yet available over the web in AU/WAV/ or uncompressed, but no big
deal for most people, since the ZIPped S3m/MTM/XM etc are the fastest ways
to download.
And yes, KosmicWeb 2.0 still is coming. And so's Christmas, and that might
just get here sooner.
New Releases
These are the latest releases since last we did this column in TW24:
87 Sonic B00M EP ............ B00MER ........ -- .S3M -15m:27s - --- - 8/29/95
(K_B00M.ZIP) - 4 new tracks from the long lost Kosmic member.
88 Interphase 2 ............. Nemesis ....... 10 .S3M - 4m:49s - 110 - 8/30/95
(K_PHASE2.ZIP) - Synth-funk track with heavy rhythms.
89 Ibanchi Jukebox .......... Maelcum ....... 12 .MTM - 5m:28s - 153 - 8/31/95
(K_IBAN.ZIP) - Techno-house tune based on a riff by Mosaic.
90 IndusTrance .............. Khyron ........ 12 .XM - 3m:55s - 140 - 9/05/95
(K_INDUST.ZIP) - The name says it all...
Check em out on kosmic.wit.com
New releases coming soon from Hollywood amongst others!
Kosmic new members
Hmm, i guess you should all welcome HFAZE, our new (and excellent!)
graphics artist. Look for his work in upcoming Kosmic demos.
Top 10 List
There is no top ten list this week. It's quarter of 6 in the morning, and
I'm very tired.
that's it for now.
- Maelcum
-[ Distribution Sites ]-----------------------------------------------------
BBS System Name Country/State Phone Number System Operator
Mindflux Australia +61-2-416-2513 Force Format
Velvet Demosite Belgium +32-3-3851594 Sleeping Dog
AltConn BBS Brazil +55-11-816-2031 Herman Fuchs
Hack / Ploddt Canada 902-625-5920 Popcorn
Beats per Minute Canada 418-660-8137 Populus
Our World Canada 416-740-4346 b0b
Cyber Web Italy +39-331-310641 ArachniD
TH Rijswijk BBS Netherlands +31-70-3401534 Raymond Dijkxhoorn
The Digital Dream New Zealand +64-7-856-1376 Black Friday
MultiMedia GS Singapore +65-252-1220 Lee Teck Chee
The Portal Sweden +46-26-196363 Coyote & Cyanid
Sound & Vision U.K. +44-181-288-8444 Rob Barth
Aethelwulf Utopia United States 309-862-4918 Quarex
Synthetic Amusement United States 410-795-8526 Sirrus
* Distribution Site Applications ->are<- being accepted at this time. *
Send all requests to Neurosis at neurosis@unix.gcomm.com!
-[Subscribing/FTP/WWW Info]-------------------------------------------------
_____TraxWeekly General.Info
TraxWeekly is on the World Wide Web! Officially, the sites are:
Popcorn also has a WWW page: http://kosmic.wit.com/~kosmic/traxweek/popcorn/
Partek is in Finland and Kosmic is in the US. So, choose the server nearest
to you for the fastest connection. This page is maintained by Dragunov.
_____How to subscribe to TraxWeekly
TraxWeekly subscriptions are available, and can be requested in this matter:
Send mail to: listserver@oliver.sun.ac.za
And put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [your real name]
If you want to unsubscribe to the list, mail the same address and write:
unsubscribe trax-weekly
TraxWeekly is also available on ftp.cdrom.com:
/pub/demos/incoming/news/ for the most recently uploaded version, or
/pub/demos/news/traxw/ for all of the back issues.
_____How to subscribe to DemoNews
#1 E-mail to listserver@unseen.aztec.co.za (any subject line will do)
#2 On the first line in the body of the mail, write:
subscribe demuan-list FirstName LastName
subscribe demuan-list Christopher Mann
subscribe demuan-list Snowman
subscribe demuan-list r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu <---- WRONG!!
The listserver will automatically take the return address of your
mail. That address is where newsletters will be sent. You can not
specify an alternate address.
#3 Send it
_____Having Trouble?
If you have difficulty with the listserver, feel free to write Snowman
at r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu for problems with the DemoNews list, and
Popcorn at campbell@fox.nstn.ca for problems with the TraxWeekly list.
For questions and comments, you can contact the TraxWeekly staff at:
Handle Address Area
----------- ------------------------ -------------------
Claim claim@ikaros.pei.edu Graphics
Dragunov dragunov@info.polymtl.ca WWW Page
GraveDigger digger@ftp.cdrom.com Co-Editor
Mhoram niespodj@neonramp.com Columnist
Neurosis neurosis@unix.gcomm.com Co-ordinator / BBS Distro
Popcorn campbell@fox.nstn.ca Editor
Psibelius gwie@owl.csusm.edu Columnist
White Wizard No internet access ASCII Art
You can also contact Hornet at:
Handle Address Area
----------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
Dan Wright dmw@inca.gate.net Freedom CD coordinator
Floss norg@cyberspace.com Music Contest 3 coordinator
GraveDigger gd@ftp.cdrom.com columnist, file mover, musician
Ior jroth@coyote.csusm.edu columnist
JsNO jsno@amigar.apana.org.au coder
Meriadoc meriadoc@xs4all.nl columnist, coder
Popcorn campbell@fox.nstn.ca editor (TraxWeekly)
Ryan Cramer rcramer1@osf1.gmu.edu columnist
Snowman r3cgm@ftp.cdrom.com organizer, editor (DemoNews), coder
Stony p.vanmun0@hsbos.nl graphician
Trixter trixter@ftp.cdrom.com coder, web master, file mover
/---------------------------------[ End ]------------------------------------
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until next week! (=
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